Chapter 46 - Protective

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We hadn’t made it into a room before Ryan had me pressed against the wall, without taking his lips from mine he managed to get us into a room and to the bed. My legs had ended up wrapped around him at some point, so he had carried me to the bed.

“I’m sorry.” He panted between kisses, throwing his jacket in the corner. He still had his hat on, it was kinda hot in a strange way. My hands went to unfasten his trousers, but he stopped me. Instead placing my hands on his chest, which I have no problems touching.

“Ryan. I love touching you, but fuck me already.” I gasped after he started rubbing against me. He just chuckled, his voice was deep and rough. Translation; fucking hot. Lucky for me, Ryan decided to give in, getting undressed as I did the same as quickly as possible. He pushed inside me slowly, leaning in to kiss me. I tried to move beneath him, but those hands just held me down.

“Take it slow.” He growled, god that was unbelievably sexy. And he did go slow, it was practically torture.

“If you don’t start moving faster I might die.” I panted. He smiled devishly, moving slightly faster. We were both moaning and gasping. I saw movement to the left of Ryan, I broke away from the kiss, Ryan’s lips moving to my neck. Shit. It was Susan and Brent, looking horrified. For a second I wasn’t sure it was real, because after a couple seconds of shock they ran off. But needless to say I was no longer interested in having sex right now.

“Ryan, get out of me.” I ordered, he seemed slightly confused, but he did it. Poor thing, he looked pretty close and his pupils were blown.

“What’s up?” He panted.

“I need a shower. You are gunna have to take care of yourself.” I replied, I sounded a bit bitchy probably, and stressed. I was in the shower, just stood under the cold spray when I noticed something. “RYAN!” I shouted out, he came stumbling through the door seconds later.

“Mmmhmm?” He asked.

“When you took us into the bedroom, or just the hotel room, did you use a key or check the door?” I questioned.

“The door wasn’t locked properly, plus I’m perfectly capable of finding our hotel room.” He defended himself. I got out the shower and started drying myself off on the towel.

“You fucking idiot. This isn’t our room, for a start you spent 10 minutes checking the bloody door before we left! Look around.” He did and after a couple of seconds his face fell, I’m guessing he worked it out.

“Shit. Brent is gunna be so mad.” He stated, running his hand through his hair.

“Do you know what’s worse?” I pressed. He just shook his head.

“BRENT AND SUSAN WALKED IN! THEY SAW US FUCKING! IN THEIR BLOODY BED!” I shouted, not at him, but just because this situation stressed me out so much. Ryan’s face lost all colour.

“Walked in.” He whispered, like he didn’t believe it. He had his head in his hands by now, which pretty much summed up the whole situation. We were well and truly fucked, and unfortunately for us not in the way we intended. I sank to the floor, leaning against the cold tiles.

“We are gunna have to go face them eventually. It’s their room after all.” I pointed out after a minute or two of silence.

“Do we have to?” Ryan complained. “I can never look him in the eye again.”

“Ryan, we are in their hotel room. They can’t go anywhere else.” I continued. He sighed and got up.

“Fine. I’ll get dressed. I think avoiding them is the best course of action.”

“How’s that gunna work at the show tomorrow? Plus some dipshit had organised a bowling tournament. And you are ON THE SAME TEAM!” I was getting more and more worked up as I thought about this whole fucked up situation. Ryan just winced.

“I really, really, really fucked this up.” He agreed, going to get dressed. I followed him into the bedroom, grabbing my clothes and pulling them on quickly. I feel bad for shouting and letting him take all the blame, but he was an idiot. “If we go to our room as quickly as possible we won’t see them.” He said, more to himself I think.

“Agreed, but I am gunna have to talk to Susan. Sooner rather than later. I’ll leave you at our room.” I confessed, he looked at me with pity. I was not looking forward to this, but the longer I put it off the more bat-shit crazy Susan would be whenever we decide to talk.

Ryan gave me a quick kiss before going into OUR hotel room, I headed over to Eddie’s. This was going to be so much fun. Not. I knocked, heart racing in my chest. I thought I might pass out for a minute. The Eddie answered the door. They were definitely here. Eddie gave me a look, opened the door further then slammed it shut behind me. They are mad at me? What the fuck? Even Eddie, I thought he was my brother. All the guys (minus Ryan, plus Susan) were there staring at me, they were really mad. Really mad, actually Susan couldn’t even look at me so not everyone was staring at me. Jesus.

“I can explain.”

A/N - So here we go, actual drama!!! Not gunna lie, I really enjoy where this part goes ;) Hopefully you guys like it too :D Vote and comment please :)

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