Chapter 31 - Airport

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A/N: So I didn't post yesterday because I was wathing OneRepublic in London <3 And it was amazing! What do we think of the cover? I'm not sure about it... But i was one of the photos from last night :) So why not :D And I have decided to carry on :P Thanks Guys

We were leaving today, I had my suitcase by the door next to Ryan’s. Who had spent £350 on stuff for me! £350! Unbelievable, I am so lucky to have him. He even got Izzy an IPad so I could FaceTime her directly. He had been better recently, less nightmares and he had talked a bit about it. Why he felt so bad and guilty, I think that really helped. We all said our goodbyes, there were definitely tears, not gunna lie. It was hard leaving them, but at the same time I knew it’s just part of life. I knew I was going to miss them a lot. You can’t not miss your family, but it felt like I had my own now. I was moving on, starting my own life. When we finally got to the bus we headed over to Susan’s. More of the same.

“Look after her.” Nicola, her Mum, said to me.

“I will.” I smiled. I could see tears in her eyes.

“In a week suckers!” Susan shouted as she entered the bus. She was upset too, but she tends not to show it. She’s a robotic dick like that. As her closest friend, I could tell these things. That and I saw her wipe away the tears, I left her alone for a couple of minutes, to compose herself.

“I’m glad you’re here, even if it is only a week.” I told her after we started to leave.

“It’ll be great.” She agreed, smiling. Glancing over at Brent every 5 seconds.

“Who’s the sweet one now?” I teased, earning me a punch. “Thanks buttercup.” I said laughing. This is gunna be so much fun. Ryan came and sat next to me.

“Alright?” He asked quietly.

“Perfect babe. Stop worrying.” I pulled him in for a kiss, trying to show him how fine I really was. I know he is stressed about ‘making’ leave my family, which of course he didn’t. It was my choice.

“Hmm. You do seem alright. Maybe I should check again though?” He laughed.

“It’s not as fun if you announce it.” We kissed again, only stopping when a cookie bounced off Ryan’s head. It had me and Susan in tears.

“The Cookie Monster strikes again.” Susan gasped between laughs. Zach’s head appeared from behind a counter.

“Cookies?” He replied. Even Ryan laughed, I think he was trying to think of an evil plan for revenge. After the madness died down there was a comfortable silence in the bus, which I already know is a rarity.

“No I never get used to silence.” I cracked with a smile, it was getting slightly disturbing which is why I had to speak.

“But I don’t hear, I don’t hear, I don’t hear your voice anymore” Ryan and Brent sang together.

“SHOW-OFFS!” Zach shouted from the sofa he had taken. Brent gave him the finger, Ryan just smiled – definitely planning something.

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