Chapter 33 - Hotel Night 1

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A/N - Thanks Guys! Over 500 reads :D So happy, so I will try to post two chapters for you guys today <3 Please vote and comment, I love hearing what you think. And FYI, as the story goes on I think I use more swear words and the story gets more 'adult', just a warning for you all ;)

We got the suitcases and Ryan led the way to the tour bus, which was waiting for us.

“This is our home on wheels for the tour, I mean we stay in hotels when we can. But if we travel or something.” Ryan informed us. It was nice, pretty spacious to be honest. We all got settled, we were driving to a hotel about an hour away.

“Wi-Fi password?” I requested. Ryan found it out for me, thank God. I missed the internet. “Have you seen ‘Burn The Love Story’?” I asked the guys whilst I surfed YouTube.

“Noooo.” Was the general reply.

“I wanna see.” Eddie said. I put the video on and Ryan and Zach came to look too.

“That was actually super cool!” Ryan decided.

“Hey, I ain’t stupid.” I pointed out.

“Sure you’re not.” Zach said rubbing my head.

“Dick.” I muttered. Anyway, point is they thought it was cool. Mission accomplished.

“I appreciate you. I think you’re our smart cookie.” Eddie supported me.

“Thanks Eddie. At least someone is on my side.” I glared at Ryan, who just winked at me. Damn, I almost jumped him there and then.  

“Stop saying cookie!” Zach complained.

“I’m guessing we are getting the same amount of rooms?” Brent asked randomly.

“Yeah. You and Susan can share right?” Ryan checked.

“Fuck yes!” Susan shouted from her seat. Brent actually blushed, it was pretty sweet.

“Great, me and Amy will share too.” He stated.

“You’re damn right we are sharing.” I added. Ryan chuckled.

“I wanna share!” Eddie shouted. “I feel left out.” He whined.

“How about me and you share?” Zach suggested. “Drew will sleep most of the day anyway.”

“As long as someone wakes me up I have no opinion.” Drew said, on his phone as usual. I have no idea what he’s doing on there the majority of the time.

“Great, that’s perfect.” Ryan agreed. Ryan went in first to make sure all the rooms were sorted as we got out the suitcases we need. We were spending 3/4 days here, the first day is purely fun. Then they have a show the next two nights. It should be great. I took Ryan’s suitcase in too.

“Sorted?” I asked as he walked towards us.

“Yeah, we are all on the same floor.” He informed us cheerily, handing out the keys. Susan and Brent were in the room next to us. Zach and Eddie were across the hall with Drew next to them.

Ryan went in ahead of me, I said goodnight to the boys and Susan before heading in. After I closed the door, I found myself pushed up against the wall. Ryan’s eyes were filled with need, thank fuck I wasn’t the only one. The kiss was desperate and passionate. “God, I need you.” He panted, fucking sexy little asshole.

“Jeez, Ryan. Bedroom.” I gasped between kisses. He carried me through. This time was more desperate than the last, it was the first time since his accident. There just hadn’t been time alone, or when he was actually physically healed. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

I woke up in the middle of the night, Ryan was also awake. And looking at me with a pained expression. What? “Oh God I’m not alone!” He whispered in pain. At first I was confused, then I heard the banging against the wall. And if I listened really closely, I could hear Susan. Enough said. Explains the pain.

“TV?” I suggested, looking very hopeful. Anything to get away from the bed and the bedroom.

“Fuck yes!” He replied quickly, we jumped up and raced to the TV. Where it was safe. He put on some cheesy romance film. For a while if there was a quiet moment we would be able to hear them, I would just bury my head in Ryan’s chest whilst we both tried not to listen. We fell asleep on the sofa and had a normal, uneventful night after that, thank God. I won’t be able to look Susan in the eye. Ever.

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