Chapter 53 - Disguise

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I opened the door quietly, Ryan would almost definitely be in bed now. The whole place was silent, no lights on either. Dick move Ryan. I shut the door just as quietly, trying to find my way to the bedroom without walking into something. I did pretty well too, all the way to the bedroom. But the bed provided a challenge, I didn’t realise where it was in the dark and walked straight into it. Falling over and squishing Ryan at the same time.

“Hey gorgeous.” He yawned.

“Sorry, go back to sleep. Didn’t realise where the bed was.” I assured him.

“Sorry I left, had some calls to make and tonight was really tiring.” He hadn’t opened his eyes, he must be really tired because earlier on he was desperate for sex and now he can’t even open his bloody eyes.

“It’s fine, honestly.” I crawled under the covers next to him, pressing as close as I could to him. He wrapped an arm around me.

“Love you baby. Sweet dreams.” He whispered into my hair, almost asleep already.

“Or beautiful nightmares.” Gotta admit, my song references were on point today. Ryan chuckled softly and fell asleep not long after, his breathing was softer and more rhythmic. I took hold of his hand, tracing the lines ‘till I fell asleep.

Dead weight. Somehow, Ryan had managed to roll on top of me in his sleep, effectively pinning me to the bed. Glancing at the clock I realised I had 30 minutes until I was meeting Danny. Ry appeared to be fast asleep still, I started moving slowly. Untangling myself from him and wiggling free. Ryan muttered something into his pillow, but I’m fairly sure he was sleep talking. I grabbed some clothes from the suitcase, skinny jeans and my Will.I.Am t-shirt. That’s what I grabbed first, as I headed out the door I realised my hoodie was in the bedroom. Not wanting to wake Ryan up I grabbed one of his instead, it was a bit big but it smelt of him. Almost like he was there with me.

Surprisingly Danny had got himself up. “Morning. Coke?” He offered, already handing me one.

“You know me too well.” I laughed.

“Let’s go then, don’t wanna leave Adam standing outside.” He announced, heading out the door. When we got to the elevator Susan was stood there.

“I’m inviting myself. At least then Zach can say it’s a girl’s thing.” She informed us, getting in the elevator too.

“Sure, let’s invite everyone.” I replied sarcastically, but Susan knew I was actually grateful. Plus, she had a decent point.

“Yeah, well nice jacket.” She joked, sticking her tongue out.

“Hey, this is totally sexy. What are you on?”

“Damn babe, you are so right. That’s why you’re my wife.” She teased, Danny’s face was a picture.

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