Chapter 82

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“SURPRISE!” Adam shouted, grabbing my shoulders.

“Holy fucking shitballs!” I laughed, hugging him back. “I could have died dickhead.”

“You love me.”

“What are you doing in the bus? I go to get dressed then get attacked by my brother when I come back.” I asked, not that I don’t want to see him I’m over the moon.

“I’m the surprise.” He chuckled. “We are taking you guys out for the night.” He added with a wink. This will be fun.

“Where’s Ryan?” I asked everyone.

“Making some breakfast.” Zach informed me, hopefully he’ll bring me something. I sat down next to Kim and Adam took the other side. Susan and Brent were still in bed. It was pretty silent for a while, before Adam decided to fill the silence with celebrity gossip.

“Breakfast.” Ryan handed over an egg toastie, today is going to be a good day.

“Come on you two, the boys are waiting.” I complained, Ryan had let me wear a dress this time, on the condition that he got to choose it. And it wasn’t half bad, a cute little open backed blue dress. It falls not too far above my knee, it’s actually really nice. Susan refuses to wear dresses, but Kim is wearing a dress. A real nice one, it’s this lovely shade of purple. It suits her really well. We all walked out together, finding the car was more difficult than I thought.

“You took your time.” Adam complained as we got in.

“Shut up.” I laughed, taking a seat next to Ryan.

“You look gorgeous.” He whispered, his fingers trailing down my back.

“Thanks babe. You look dashing.” I whispered back, giving him a kiss. “Now don’t misbehave.” I warned with a smile.

“Me? Never.” As he said this he let his fingers explore.

“Mr Tedder. Do not make me move away.” He just chuckled, moving his arm to rest on my shoulder. “Thank you.” I lay my head against him and let the conversation wash over me. Here I am. With my favourite people in the world, spending the night in a club. The boys will get drunk which is always hilarious and I have my two best friends with me. It really couldn’t get any better.

“Earth calling Amy, we’re here.” Ryan laughed, waving his hand in front of my face.

“Sorry.” I jumped up, Ryan insisted on being a gentleman and helping me out of the car. There were already flashing lights, but I’ve pretty much gotten used to it now. It barely bothers me, unless they are being uncompassionate assholes like at the hospital.

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