Chapter 47 - Explanations

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“How can you possibly explain what the fuck just happened?” Susan said, in a low voice. Which is bad, she is totally pissed at me. Like, might never talk to me again. “In fact, I don’t even want to know your reasons. Or your bullshit explanation. I trust you got your boyfriend out of our bed.” I nodded. “Perfect. I’m going to MY room.” She stormed off, not looking at me once.

“Thanks Amy.” Brent muttered as he walked off. “And say thanks to Ryan when you see him too.” He added sarcastically from the door before following Susan. There was silence until the door clicked shut.

“What were you thinking? There are boundaries when people travel together, you and Ryan crossed them. Major crossed them. What you did, was. I just don’t even have words. I can’t even look at you.” Eddie started as soon as they left, he was pacing up and down. I couldn’t help it, I cried. He was supposed to support me no matter what, be my older brother.

“Ryan can get like that in the heat of the moment. But, we honestly thought you were better than that. What did you think it would possibly achieve? It was stupid and reckless. What’s more, you have completely disregarded Susan and Brent’s privacy and they were confronted with something they NEVER wanted to see. You should be ashamed, we all expect so much more from you. Maybe touring with us wasn’t such a great idea after all.” Zach continued, each insult cut into me like a knife. The last one hurt the most, mainly because he meant it. Maybe I should leave the tour.

“I’m sorry.” I sobbed, it wasn’t even my fault. But I couldn’t bear to stand there anymore, I turned and fled. I couldn’t be with Ryan, or anyone else from the band. But I knew someone one floor down, I took the stairs. Knocking on the door quietly, getting strange looks from the other people in the hall; I looked a mess for sure and was crying uncontrollably. The door opened, Danny stood there.

“Come in.” He said softly after realising the state I’m in. We went to the sofa, where Mark and Glen gave me worried looks. “Wanna talk about it?” With that I was off, crying and trying to tell the story. Choking on my own words. It took longer than it should have to tell them what happened.

“So, they won’t even hear you out?” Glen asked, obviously surprised. I shook my head sadly.

“Why didn’t you go back to Ryan?” Danny questioned, it was the one thing I hadn’t mentioned.

“I can’t be with him right now. Not after this shit. I need time. Figure out how to make up with Susan and the guys.” I explained. They all nodded.

“You can crash here for sure.” Mark announced. “But, there isn’t enough bed’s.”

“I think Adam is still in town, give him a ring, he might have a better option.” Danny suggested, I was avoiding this. Mainly because it had got Ryan all worked up earlier, which I guess is the root of the problem. But I did it anyway. He picked up after two rings.

“What’s up?” He asked, then he heard me sniffing away. “Damn, let me guess you want a place to crash? I say yes. I’ll be outside in 5.” Then he hung up, it made me smile which was nice.

“That looks good.” Danny smiled. “Take our numbers, and text us if something’s up.” I put the numbers into my phone.

“I have a massive favour to ask, would you tell Ryan I’m crashing with you guys if he asks. He might go mental if he finds out I’m at Adam’s.” They all nodded, perfectly understanding what I meant. Which is good, because I’m making Ryan sound like an overbearing asshole who is controlling me. He really isn’t. I ran down to the lobby, Adam was already there. He grabbed my hand and took me to his car. We drove to his hotel in silence, giving me time to think which is both good and bad.

I walked into the room, it had two bedrooms. Which first is kind of weird, unless he was sharing and kicked the other guy out. It was nice though, more expensive than ours for sure.

“You can sit down you know.” Adam said from behind me. “Want a drink?” He asked.

“Is a vodka on offer?” I replied, my voice slightly raw from all the crying.

“I’m afraid I will be put through agonising pain if I provide you with vodka. But I have diet coke.” He confessed, trying to lighten the mood.

“I’ll take a coke.” I conceded. He looked quite pleased with himself.

“What’s stupid done now?” He asked after I started drinking, after nearly spitting the coke all over Adam I recovered enough to actually speak. And went through the whole story again.

“Damn, that is fucked up. They shouldn’t be so harsh though. Countless other people have fucked on that bed.” He pointed out. “Shall I go over there and fight them to the death?” He offered playfully.

“Not for now. But, I’m dreading bowling tomorrow. Plus Ryan think’s I’m crashing with Danny. He went ape-shit on me after the show, all protective ‘cause he thought I would leave him for you.” I informed him.

“I knew it would wind him up, but holy shit that is crazy.” I had sent Ryan a text saying ‘Crashin with Danny. Love you x’, but he hadn’t replied. Which I think is a bad sign, I kept telling myself he had fallen asleep.

“Could you drop me off tomorrow morning? I should probably turn up to breakfast.” I asked.

“Sure, maybe I should turn up to.” He wondered out loud, it didn’t sound so bad. At least Adam has my back.

“Adam, thanks for being amazing.” I said after a few minutes. He just chuckled, yep. He is my new big brother.

“Of course, I’ll be your big brother.” He replied laughing, shit I said that out loud. That had us both laughing. “I even have some clothes lying around for you to wear, having a clothing line can be very useful.” He added. After a few hours I had relaxed, we watched some shitty comedy show and drank too much caffeine. Adam forced me to go to bed after a while, before I closed the door I called him back.

“Do you think I should go back to England?” I asked.

“No. Not at all.”

“Zach thinks I should.” I mumbled sadly.

“He was angry and upset. He definitely didn’t mean it.” He tried to comfort me, he handed me an old t-shirt. “Unfortunately I don’t design pyjamas.” He laughed. Ryan already hates me, so does everyone else in the band. So why the fuck not. After Adam had said goodnight I pulled the t-shirt on and fell asleep not long after.

A/N - What is going on?!?! Just gunna clarify, Amy and Adam don't do anything here ;) Just gunna clear that up :P So, please vote and let m know what ya think :D

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now