Chapter 78

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Ryan pulled me onto his lap to make more room for Danny. I have no complaints.

“I’m sensing some sexual tension.” Danny commented, looking over at me and Ryan. Ry had decided to rub circles into my back and I was resting my head against him.

“Nah, they fucked that out already.” Susan informed him, don’t sugar coat it babe.

“I’m not even surprised.” Mark said with a little smile. “I’m surprised you made it out of the bedroom.”

“Hey, not our choice.” Ryan blurted, before going back to kissing my shoulder and neck.

“Why are you guys so close today?” Susan asked, seemingly genuinely interested.

“We could be like this every day.” I justified, but she knew we weren’t.

“I’m proving a point, plus I’m definitely enjoying this.” Ryan laughed, he is obviously going down the truthful route. “Some people need to be reminded that they are most definitely loved, no matter what.”

“Beautiful.” I commented, I saw Susan glance over at Brent when Ry said that. Maybe Ry was on to something. “And some people need to be reminded that not everyone is a bitch.” I looked at Ry, thinking about his Heather-caused insecurities. “And that people can make mistakes, we aren’t perfect.” Danny and the boys could see where this was going. Susan and Brent, maybe not. They kept looking at each other though.

“That’s what makes it perfect though.” Ryan finished, damn the man. He had the cute smile back, his eyes practically twinkling.

“Stop it!” I cried playfully, kissing him.

“Make me.” He smirked, this time he kissed me, his fingers running up and down my side, making me shiver.

“Anyway, what’s the plan for tomorrow?” Danny asked, Ry pulled away with a sigh.

“We are heading to a special place, to meet a special friend and do special things.” He replied, not really telling us anything. “I need to make a phone call actually. Be back in a sec.” He kissed my neck and went into the ‘bedroom’.

“Looking hot. Bet you and Ryan had fun.” Dan laughed with a wink, looking at Ry’s t-shirt it fell to my mid-thigh. I had shorts on underneath, but no one could see them.

“Don’t you know it Dan. We always have fun.” I teased. “A bit like the trouble makers over there.” I giggled pointing to Susan and Brent. As if that was a cue, Susan grabbed his hand and pulled him somewhere.

“High five!” Zach shouted.

“We did it!” I cheered, pulling him into a hug.

“You little schemer.” Zach laughed, pulling me down and beginning a tickle fight. Not fair. Second time today.

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