Chapter 21 - The Morning After

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I woke up before Ryan, I smiled remembering the previous night. Definitely made some memories here. I grabbed my phone and text Susan ‘FYI don’t tell any1’. I hoped it wasn’t too late. Knowing her, it probably is too late. The whole world probably knows.

“How can you even be awake?” Ryan asked amused, maybe. It’s hard to tell when he’s tired.

“I don’t know babe.”

“There’s food in the fridge.” He told me. “Help yourself. I’ll be up in a minute.” I found the fridge easily, ooh chocolate. It’s a special occasion, so I’ll treat myself. “You seriously eating chocolate for breakfast?” He asked from the doorway, laughing.

“I can do what I want, you’re not my mother!” I defended, sticking my tongue out playfully. He put his arms up in surrender.

“You can at least share.” He complained, putting his hand out.

“Fine.” I gave in, passing over a few blocks.

“I’ve actually got something for you.” He smiled. “I was planning to give it to you last night, but we were otherwise occupied and I forgot.” He winked.

“Featherbrain.” I joked. He chuckled and walked into the bedroom. He came back in with a square box in his hands.

“I wasn’t sure what to get you, I saw this and thought of you. If you don’t like it we can take it back.” He opened the box, inside was a little golden heart locket. I picked it up carefully, I realised it opens, inside was the picture of us asleep.

“I love it Ryan!” It was beautiful. I couldn’t even put it in to words.

“I left the other space, so you could choose the picture or wait for a special moment.” He seemed so happy that I liked it, I remembered how devastated he was after Heather, I guess it effected his confidence. I turned it over and it said ‘With All My Love and Elephants, Forever and Always. Ry x’. I honestly couldn’t help it, I cried. Happy tears, but tears. I don’t even know why.

“I love you baby,” I sobbed, pulling him close. We stayed like that for a while, me holding him close. “Sorry. That was a bit over the top.” He chuckled and kissed me head. He took the necklace and put it on for me.

“I’m glad you like it.” He said.

“How could I not? It’s perfect. This is perfect. Everything is perfect. You are perfect.”

“We are perfect.” He added, pulling me into a passionate kiss. “Unfortunately, I have to get you back home.”

“A true gentleman. Ryan. This was amazing. I love you, don’t forget it.”

A/N: Sorry this one is so short guys :) I'll post two.... as a treat :D Please comment or vote or whatever :P x

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