Chapter 34 - Breakfast

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We had agreed to meet up for breakfast, the hotel restaurant was nice and they had a buffet, so we were eating there.

“Hurry up Ryan!” I shouted through to him. I was dressed already, my favourite denim shorts and a OneRepublic vest.

“I’m coming.” He called back, frustrated. When he finally came out he was wearing his red skin tight jeans, a blue/black V-neck t-shirt thing and a dark denim shirt over the top. He was hot, as usual.

“You look gorgeous.” I stated, before grabbing his hand and pulling him from the room. “Let’s not be the last one’s there.” We got to the elevator, we were the only ones in there. “Shit.” I muttered, thinking about the table at breakfast.

“What?” Ryan asked concerned.

“I can’t look her in the eye. Ever.” I replied.

“Fuck yeah.” We both shuddered as we recalled what we overheard last night. “This is awkward.”

“Let’s just make sure we are not sat opposite them.”

“That seems like a plan.” He agreed. We walked to the restaurant and saw that everyone was already there. There was a seat by Eddie, which was opposite Zach or by Drew and opposite Brent. I glanced over at Ryan and sprinted to Eddie. Unlucky for Ryan, he hadn’t paid attention to the location of seats. I sat down, breathing heavily. Just thanking God I had made it there first and wouldn’t have the most awkward breakfast in existence.

“And why?” Zach asked.

“No reason.” I panted.

“Fuck you.” Ryan said as he sat down.

“That’s the problem.” I teased and his face went bright red. The others looked extremely confused by this.

“Let’s get food.” We both got up. “That was a low blow.” He muttered into my ear as we queued up for food.

“I couldn’t help it.” I justified. He just shook his head.

“Payback will be sweet.” He warned. It’s then I realised he really could do something worse.

“I’m sorry, god Ryan, please don’t be too harsh.” I begged. He just smiled. Argh, so annoying.

I took my seat by Eddie, but kept glancing over at Ryan apologetically.

“What happened now?” Eddie asked.

“I can’t even talk about it.” I grimaced. Ryan still hadn’t looked up at Brent who was talking to him, this was awkward.

“Is Ryan okay?” Zach asked with a mouthful of bacon.

“He will be. Hopefully. Probably. Yeah, he’s pretty good.” I said, not sure how to explain what went on.

“Right.” He replied, obviously unconvinced.

“What did you guys get up to last night?” I asked, wanting to change the subject.

“Cookies.” Zach stated, making me and Eddie laugh.

“We watched TV for a bit, then bed.” Eddie added.

“OI!” Ryan shouted to get our attention. “Obviously today we are showing the girls round, spending time with them. But I think we should discuss what we should do.” Shit. I hate him. I was begging him with my eyes, which really wasn’t working. I knew what was coming. “Why don’t you guys go back to one of the rooms?” Giving a sweet smile.

“I don’t mind.” Susan replied.

“Great. We’ll be 30 minutes tops I guess.” Ryan informed us.

“Okay. See you then.” I murmured. I made sure to give Ryan the most annoyed stare in the world. He will not be getting any affection for the next week. Okay over the top, a day. If I can manage that.  I was genuinely scared about how much info I was going to get from Susan. As we got in the elevator I realised that we were going into Susan’s room. Not gunna lie, I felt sick thinking about it. I mean, I don’t care that they did it. Obviously. Just the memory; knowing and hearing are two completely different things.

A/N - As promised, two chapters :D Please comment, love to hear your opinions :P Do you think Susan will tell her all about it? Or not? :)

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