Chapter 5 - The Radio

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I woke up the happiest I’d been in a long time, I put on the clothes I had put aside the night before and rushed to get ready. In an hour I would be sat in English Lit begging to have Radio One on. Mum gave me a lift into school. “You look happy.” My Mum said as we pulled up to the gates.

“Last night wasn’t a dream right?” I asked.

“No, it wasn’t.”

“Then of course I’m happy!” She shook her head fondly, I met up with Susan and we walked into English Lit together.

“You look strangely happy.” Susan commented. Why is everyone questioning my happiness? Am I usually a bitch? You know what, I don’t think I want to know the answer.

“Am I not allowed to be happy?”

“Not on a Wednesday when we have English Lit first period.”

“Whatever.” I replied, sticking my tongue out at her. We went into the room and took the seats at the back, where you can get away with anything. I put my hand up before the lesson started. “Sir, can we listen to Radio One today please? Just for the first half hour.”

“I guess, as long as you’re working. We are finishing the essays.” Our teacher replied, I smiled and sent Ryan a text saying ‘Plan is a go. I’ll be waiting for elephants.’

“Who are you texting?” Susan asked, trying to read my phone. She tried to grab my phone, but I quickly dodged her. “NINJA” She shouted, karate chopping my hand and making me drop the phone.

“Susan. NO shouting. First warning.” Our teacher told her with a stern look. Susan and I started giggling.

“Absolutely no-one.” I replied, before picking it up and reading the message I had received. ‘Do you mind if people know?’ I smiled, why would I not want them to know? That boy is crazy. ‘Write it on the rooftops.’ I replied smirking at my musical reference. Suddenly the radio was turned on, with Grimmy saying “In five minutes we’ll be talking to Ryan Tedder, lead singer of OneRepublic. But first, here is a song he requested.” Then Impossible started playing, I chuckled at him as I sent a message saying ‘Jeez I love you, you big ball of cuteness.’ Only Ryan Tedder would get the radio show to play the song I referenced, he is honestly the sweetest person in existence. Susan turned to me.

“Now I see why you wanted the radio on. I like them too.” She smiled. “How was the show?” Susan asked, after nudging me to get my attention.

“It was unbelievable, we can talk after the interview.” I said quickly. Susan looked a bit upset at that, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I just wanted to hear his voice. ‘XXXXX Love you’ He sent back.

“Here we are; Ryan Tedder everyone!”

“Hi guys.”

“So you played the O2 in London last night, how was that?”

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now