Chapter 25 - You Promised

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The others hung back, they wanted to give me a moment with him. I took a deep breath, trying to prepare myself for what I would see. It didn’t work. There were so many tubes and wires, so many machines. He was lying perfectly still, his usually tanned skin appeared almost grey. He was covered in small cuts and grazes, his right hand was bandaged and his right leg was in plaster. I was crying again, I pulled the chair closer to the bed and grabbed his good hand. I knew I was squeezing too tight, but it was to keep him here. To remind me that it’s real, to wake him up. I don’t know. The room was silent, the only noises were the machines keeping him alive.

“Hi Ryan. Always and forever. That was my promise and you promised forever and always. Okay. So don’t leave now. You dick. You promised.” I sobbed. Zach had come in, his hand was on my shoulder. He was crying too.

“Hey buddy. I know you didn’t want to go on tour. But, this was extreme.” He tried to laugh, but it sounded choked and more forced than he had planned. “We need you.” He added quietly. They must have talked about it outside, about Zach being there. I’m glad he was.

“He won’t leave us, will he Zach?” I realised how childish I sounded, how desperate. I wanted to be grown up and mature about this, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. Zach’s eyes were filled with a sadness I could only guess mine mirrored. The fact that he didn’t reply answered my question, no one knew. And we wouldn’t until he woke up. Or if he didn’t.

I could hear her, her crying, her talking to me, pleading me not to leave. Reminding me of my promise. That’s why I had gone to Oxford, for our forever and always. I tried to tell her, tried to open my eyes, to give her any hope. But it didn’t work. Trapped in my own mind, no way out. I heard Zach. At least he was looking after her. I didn’t plan for this to happen. Shit.



I had cried for hours, I felt empty and cold. I still hadn’t let go of his hand. At one point a nurse tried to throw me out, it didn’t go well. I snapped, shouting at her and being all types of psycho. Zach took her outside and talked to her, he must have sorted something out, because she didn’t come back.

“You should eat.” Brent said from the door way. The others were sleeping, they had booked some rooms in a near-by hotel. Zach stayed with me, he was asleep in the other chair.

“I’m not hungry Brent.” My voice was raspy and raw.

“He wouldn’t want you to be like this.” He told me quietly, he stood at the end of the bed. Staring at Ryan as if he would just wake up, or as if he wouldn’t. I couldn’t quite decide.

“He doesn’t get to make that decision.” I snapped. “If he would just wake up. He can want me to do anything.” I was crying again, I didn’t think it was possible. “But he’s not waking up. Brent, what if doesn’t wake up?” I asked hopelessly. The mere thought nearly killed me, I couldn’t live without him. No. It’s impossible.

“His body needs to recover. To repair. This is Ryan we are talking about, he’s the most stubborn person I know.” He said fondly, smiling sadly at him. “Take a break Amy. I’ll stay with him.” He offered.

“I’m not leaving Brent. I’ll leave with him, and only with him. Always and forever. I’ll hold up my end of the bargain. He just has to hold up his.”

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