Chapter 61

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Danny came out on stage and the whole place erupted, people love The Script almost as much as OneRepublic, sometimes more. They started with ‘Paint the Town Green’, a real upbeat crowd pleaser, one of my favourites too. Susan loves everything about them, all their songs and the people, honestly I feel the same way. All their songs are awesome.

It was half way through when it happened.

“I’ve made two good friends on this tour, sadly one of them is leaving us tomorrow. And your best friend organised a whole lot for ya.” He chuckled, smiling at Susan. “So, I’m singing what she claims is your favourite song. But, no promises, we both know what she’s like.” Susan’s face was glowing, I mean she was so happy.

“Best friend ever!” She cheered, pulling me into a tight hug. They started playing Break Even, one of Susan’s favourite songs, or at least it was the last time I asked. Hall of Fame is fairly close, but we had something else planned for that. Susan and I sang along as loudly as possible, laughing and dancing. It was great.

“This one is her friend’s spirit song. And it’s not been released yet so, be happy!” Which had Mark and Glen laughing. “So, this is her message to you, apparently if you were a TV show this would be your theme song. The meaningless metaphors went on for hours, that’s the only one I remember.” He teased. I gave him the finger which had him laughing away. “Oh, guys I am so sorry.” Then they started playing ‘Hail Rain or Sunshine’.

“I’m gunna miss ya bud.” I told Susan, she grabbed my hand and we sang and danced and were are usual completely crazy self’s. I really do love that song, Danny wasn’t making that stuff up.

“This one, is purely to make you laugh. I mean, we never experienced this… but the way they talk sometimes. Makes you wonder. And they never shut up about it.” They took a minute laughing break. “Ah, my sides ache too much for this.” Danny muttered into the microphone. It took us a while to recognise the song, but when we did we could barely stand up. ‘Sex on Fire’. I was in tears I really was. Danny even jumped off stage and came up to us, dancing with us both and giving us massive hugs. “Susan, I’ll miss ya. Really will, Amy’s gunna be unbearable without you around. We will have to deal with all her crap now. But, we do actually love you as well Amy.” He added with a laugh. The rest of the show was pretty normal.

“Thanks for this.” Susan gushed, looking so touched.

“Not over yet.” I teased.

“Susan. I am sorry. Brent had so many problems with this, but if Amy sets her mind to something, its gunna happen.” Susan laughed, she knows how stubborn I can be. “I’m fairly certain she paid the techs to do it anyway, so we agreed. But it us actually kinda touching, if you think about it.” Hall of Fame began to play and on the screen were pictures of Susan, a massive slideshow. Pictures of us and of her and Brent, there were some she didn’t know I had. It was great, she laughed and punched me. But laughed more, so I think it went well.

“I hate you sometimes.” She laughed.

“Was it that bad?”

“No, I loved it. I’ll miss you too.” I was a very sappy concert so far. And we still have the boyfriends to go, so it will almost definitely get worse.

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