Chapter 4 - Dancing

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“Ryan? I can’t dance,” I said once we reached the dance floor.

“Neither can I.” He replied laughing, he took my hands and nothing else seemed to matter. Cheesy, but hell that’s how it felt. It wasn’t really dancing, just jumping and holding onto each other like it’s all that mattered. Holding on to him seemed like the most important thing, holding on and never letting go. “I really hope this doesn’t sound too crazy, or too soon, but I’ve not felt this way before.” Ryan said as a slower song came on, he had pulled me into his chest. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what was going on. “We’ve only just met, but I feel like I’ve known you forever, I just want to be with you. Amy, will you go out with me?” He asked nervously. I froze. Ryan Fucking Tedder asked me to be his girlfriend. I actually blushed as he said it. Was he saying he loved me? Me? A nobody, who gets on with their normal, boring life.

“Seriously?” I asked, it could only be a joke. Right?

Damn. She must think this is all a prank. Of course she would. I guess I would have thought the same thing. Even if she didn’t, why would she go out with me? I only met her earlier today, and I travel all the time. I’m not exactly boyfriend material. Maybe she doesn’t feel the connection I do. Well, she probably won’t want to talk to me ever again. I started to pull away.


He must have thought I was rejecting him. Idiot! He seemed so upset and hurt. “Yes! Yes Ryan!” His eyes got wide and his whole face lit up with a smile, his eyes twinkling, full of happiness and love. He pulled me into a hug, one I returned happily.

“Brent talked to your Mum about it. She approves.” He said into my ear. “It might sound crazy but I love you Amy Thomson.”

“You are crazy.” I laughed back at him, “And I love you too Mr Tedder.” We giggled and he led me back to the table, holding my hand tight.

“It’s official!” The table cheered at that, even my Mum seemed happy. I’m glad she’s cool with it. Ryan was right, I’d never felt this way with anyone else ever, but with him everything felt right. “Here’s my number.” He said passing me a slip of paper.

“It’s almost like you planned this.” I replied with a smile. And he blushed. He. Blushed. So I did the only logical thing and kissed his cheek. The guys were laughing, but they seemed genuinely happy for Ryan and my Mum had this look about her. She looked like she understood what was happening. I’ll ask her later, ‘cause I sure as hell don’t. I put the number into my phone and sent a text to him. I hope it makes him laugh.

My phone beeped, I looked down at the message and had to fight to keep my laugh in. ‘Mr Tedder, I hope you’ve planned more than this. Because I’m expecting fireworks and elephants.’ I added her to my contacts. This whole situation is crazy, but it just feels right. There will be no regrets in this relationship, I will fight for every second with that girl. “If it’s alright with you Sarah, we would like to come down tomorrow so I can spend time with my girl.” He smiled at me. “We are on Radio One in the morning, but I would love to spend time with Amy before we start our tour.”

“I don’t see why not. But you are gunna have to win over her Dad.” She told me smiling. Brent had text me saying she was fine with it, as long as Amy was happy and I looked after her. That is not going to be a problem. Ever hopefully. Now I just have to win over her Dad. I hope that won’t be too difficult.


Things just got crazy! Ryan is coming to Carterton tomorrow. People will be so jealous, Susan will die. “I’ll be at school though.” I added.

“That won’t be a problem.” Ryan winked, he had the same look as earlier; he was planning something. And I didn’t care, I leaned against his side and let him give me a one armed hug. This has been the craziest day of my life, but it has also been the best. “Why don’t we all head back to the hotel?”

“I’m gunna take Amy home. You are coming down tomorrow, so you can see her then. I don’t want her to be late for school.” My Mum announced, she wasn’t backing down on this one.

“That seems fair. Just make sure you listen to the interview tomorrow okay.” He looked at me, I nodded. “Great it’s Grimmie’s show, we’ll walk you out.” And they did, they all said their goodbyes and gave us hugs. They gave me Susan’s autograph too.

“Thanks Guys.” Ryan stopped me before I got in the car. He gave me a hug, then kissed my cheek. God I wanted to kiss those lips, but my Mum was death staring us.

“Till tomorrow.” He whispered in my ear. That was way too sexy. He winked as he walked off. I wanted to call him back, to stay with him, to get just a few more seconds with him. It felt like the world would stop without him. What have I got myself into? But the smile stayed on my face the whole way home. As we got onto the motorway I sent him a text; ‘What no elephants?’ I could just imagine him shaking his head at me, maybe smiling a little. I must have fallen asleep after that, because I woke up in Carterton. I glanced down at my phone and saw a text. ‘Not today sweetheart. But there’s always tomorrow.’ I smiled, for a second I wasn’t sure it was all real. It was like a dream. I guess dreams really do come true.

A/N: Thanks for reading :) I'd love to know what you think, so please comment :D

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now