Chapter 12 - Grumpy

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When I woke up I could feel a warm weight across my stomach. Ryan was on his side, his arm thrown across me. I took the time to look at him. He was so relaxed and peaceful, he was gorgeous. “Stop staring.” He said sleepily.

“How did you know?” I asked. I swear his eyes are closed.

“Go sleep.” He slurred. Someone’s tired.

“But I’m not tired.” I whined. I usually can’t get back to sleep once I’m awake, I just play on my phone or get up. He opened his eyes, or squinted through half-open eyes. Ah, he was so gorgeous. “Ry, I can’t sleep now.” He looked at me as if to say ‘are you normal?’

“Fine. I’ll get up.” He yawned, but didn’t really move. I leant over and gave him a kiss, before jumping up. Only jumping to try and wake him up some more, yes, I’m a mean person sometimes.

“What anything for breakfast?”

“Caffeine.” He rolled on to his stomach, grumpy or what? He’ll probably go back to sleep. When I got to the kitchen Zach and Brent were stood there talking quietly.

“Hey guys!” I said cheerily.

“Hello Happy.” Zach said smiling.

“Have you eaten yet?” I asked.

“Noooooo!” Zach groaned. Wow. That was a surprise, considering how he is with food.

“How about making some bacon?” I asked. “That is if you can make it… I can’t.”

“I will do it.” Zach grinned. Yep, he is totally my slave.

“Sure thing, Chef Filkins.” I took the bacon out and handed it to him. “Can I have fried eggs?” I asked, taking the eggs out too.

“Oui,” he replied smiling. I helped him find the stuff around the kitchen, Brent buttered some bread and rolls while I put some toast one. We had found out what the awake people wanted, Andrew had come down when he smelt food and we were making my Mum and Dad breakfast in bed.

“Ryan not up yet?” Brent asked.

“That grumpy guts? Nah, he probably went back to sleep. How was yesterday?” I asked, Susan hadn’t texted yet ‘cause she is a selfish bitch. Probably pay back.

“Ah, it was great. Susan’s nice.” He answered vaguely. Obviously he doesn’t know her like I do yet.

“Do we know the same Susan? Mine’s a constantly swearing, annoying bitch who makes you laugh.” I replied smiling.

“Haha! I wouldn’t phrase it like that, but she’s pretty fun to be around. We enjoyed it actually.” He said, Susan will be happy to hear that. Sounds like she made a friend.

“Where did you eat last night?”

“I honestly don’t know, Zachary do you remember?”

“It’s Chef Filkins to you, and no. But it was delicious!”

“All you care about is the food!” Brent complained.

“Can you survive without it? Urm NO! So it is a perfectly logical thing to think about.” He defended. I laughed, as Brent shook his head. Zach has a comeback for almost anything, it’s as if he has a list of ready to use comebacks in his mind.

“Boys, you don’t have to fight. Could you butter the toast B?” I asked handing over some toast. Andrew was sat in living room on his iPod and I’m guessing Grumpy was probably still asleep. Lazy people.

“Food. I love you!” Eddie said giving me a hug.

“Ha, thanks. I guess, but I’m not cooking.” I replied.

“Yeah, but Zach only cooks if he’s asked to.” He said smiling.

“Want a drink?”

“Nah, food is enough for me.”

“Is Ryan still asleep?” I asked as we started serving food.

“Well, he didn’t say hi to me.” Eddie stated.

“Yeah, well he is a bit grumpy this morning.” I laughed.

“Should I go kick him?” He offered.

“I might take you up on that.” I smiled and took Andrew’s breakfast through. “Here ya go fatty.” Then I took Mum and Dad’s up, which they were happy with. So bonus. Izzy wouldn’t be up for a while still. By the time I got downstairs Ryan’s and mine were ready.

“You getting up today grumpy?” I asked, nudging him with my foot.

“Go away.” He said into a pillow.

“Fine, I’ll go give your breakfast to someone else.” I snapped. I went to sit with Eddie, Brent and Zach in the dining room. “Jeez, he’s grumpy.”

“Once he wakes up he’ll be really apologetic.” Brent says.

“He might even sing!” Zach added excitedly.

“That’s probably why he’s grumpy.” Eddie pointed out. “He works too hard sometimes.” I sighed and ate the egg toasties, which was surprisingly good. He’ll get up when he’s ready, I went and checked on him. Fast asleep. So it might be a while. If he doesn’t get up soon I’ll have left for school.

A/N: Not sure if I will be able to post a chapter tomorrow, but I will definately try! :) Please comment, would love to hear what you think :D x

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