Chapter 28 - Water

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I woke up to the sound of music. I lay there for a moment, Amy was sleeping against my leg. I reached over for the glass of water, drinking slowly and carefully. I thought back to all the things I had heard, the pain I put her through. This was the first time she had slept properly since the accident. At least that’s what I’ve been told. ‘Waking Up’ came on, whoever chose the music did a good job. Every now and again a song would come on and I’d think Eddie or Zach, most of it was just good music or relaxing music. I closed my eyes, letting the music carry me to sleep.



“No change?” The guys asked, everyone had agreed to come this morning. My family, Susan, the band, we all wanted time together. But we (or I) couldn’t leave Ryan out.

“Nooo….” I said slowly.

“You don’t sound very sure?” Eddie replied.

“I thought the glass of water was full, so that if he woke up he could drink and then find it easier to talk.” I had been staring at the glass for a while.

“Maybe you forgot last night.” Brent suggested.

“It’s possible.” But unlikely. Someone turned off the music. “What-”

“We can’t hear ourselves think. A few hours Amy, it won’t hurt.” My Mum interrupted. I ran a hand through Ryan’s hair, I swear I saw his eyelids flicker. Imagination I guess. Or hopeful thinking. I squeezed his hand again.


“The Doc was saying the fact he doesn’t need the tube is a good sign.” Drew said hopefully.

“Yeah, I thought he would have woken up by now though.” They started talking about good signs and how it was hopeful. ‘Forever and Always’. I swear I heard someone rasp. I looked at Ryan, I think he moved. Shit.

“Shut the fuck up!” I shouted. There was silence. I felt my hand being squeezed gently. Ryan forced his eyes open, there were cheers and shouts. He smiled weakly. A tear rolled down my cheek, a very happy tear.

“I love you forever, forever and always. Please just remember even if I’m not there I’ll always love you. Forever and always.” He said slowly, he struggled a bit. But it was the most beautiful thing I’d heard in a long time.

“Always and forever.” I laughed at him. “I thought I’d lost you.” I added.

“Can’t break a promise.” He replied.

“I’ll call the nurse, get you checked out see when I can get you home.” I pressed the call button.

“Where’s Clint?” He asked suddenly.

“Why?” Zach asked.

“He was supposed to be here. Had business.” Ryan said.

“Stop talking. Let the nurse look after you, we can talk about this later.” I smiled at him, he nodded eventually.

“We’d like to keep him overnight for observation, but he seems to be lucky. There’s no obvious damage and no bleeding. But, if he does go home tomorrow you need to keep a close eye on him.” The Doc informed us. I was beyond happy.

“He is not leaving my sight. EVER!” I replied. The Doc smiled.

“Glad to hear it. I hope everything works out.” He said before walking off to sign paperwork.

“I’ll tell Ry!” I ran into the room, he was sat up eating the chocolate. “You can come home tomorrow!” I cheered.

“No way, that’s great.” He smiled at me, those happy little crinkles appearing. “Amy, I’m so sorry.” His face turned serious.

“No Ryan. I don’t care, it doesn’t matter. It’s not like you planned a crash, you were trying to get home. You have nothing to be sorry for.” His whole face relaxed, tension I had barely notice. “Now move up fatty.” I laughed. He wiggled to the side, we were squashed together.

“Is this allowed?” He asked after we got some weird looks through the door.

“They can try and move me.” I said. “I’m not leaving your side babe. Not for a long time.” I assured him.

“Forever and always.” He said chuckling, it had become our thing very quickly.

“No. Always and forever.” He pulled me in for a kiss, I was careful, his hand was still quite bruised and his foot was going to be in plaster for a week or two more. “Yep, I definitely missed this.” I laughed.

We woke up next day squashed together. Holding hands in our sleep, it’s a habit now I guess. Legs tangled together. “Morning beautiful.” He greeted me.

“Hey babe. Ready to go home?” I asked.

“Never been more ready in my life.” He admitted.

“Apparently we are getting the actual bed.” I confided as we walked to the desk.


“Hell yeah. Apparently there was an argument about it. Zach kindly pointed out I haven’t left your side when it was difficult to be there, I’m not gunna leave it now.”

“That sounds like Zach.” He laughed. “How did your Dad react?”

“I haven’t seen them in a while, I think he realised how close we are. How much we mean to each other. Or at least how much you mean to me.”

“Well. I will have to show him how much you mean to me.” He replied with a kiss and a wink.

“Not when you’re recovering you won’t.” I told him sadly. He just sighed.

“This sucks.” He stated.

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