Chapter 42 - Studio

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“I’ll play you what I’ve got now, then me and Adam can work on it. You call parents. Then we can record, present and go home.” Ryan summed up.

“Sounds easy.” I laughed.

“Sounds like a plan.” Adam agreed. Ryan walked into the studio bit, Adam took me to a room with lots of buttons and things. “You can listen from here, if you press this button then you won’t hear us. Then you could call or whatever.” He explained, not too complicated then.

“Cool. I got it.” He smiled and walked back to the room Ryan was in. I listened closely, it was great. Or I mean it has potential, at the moment it’s just a guitar and Ryan singing. Beautifully I might add. But not a song. After Ryan sang it through twice they started writing and developing the song, so I decided I should call my parents.

“Hi Mum!”

“Hey baby, how are you?” She looked pretty tired.

“I’m great thanks, you’re not busy are you? I mean I can call later if you want…” I asked.

“No, now’s fine. I was sleeping on the couch, I’m sure Izzy will want to say hi in a minute. What are you up to today?” She explained.

“Just in the studio with Ryan and Adam at the moment.”


“Adam Levine.” I said with a smile.

“NO WAY!” She shouted.

“I’m sure he’ll say hi when he can.” I showed her him and Ryan through the window.

“I hate you.” She muttered.

“Thanks mum! But, he’s actually awesome. We met up for coffee this morning.” I informed her.

“I am so jealous. It’s good you are having a great time though.”

“Everything’s amazing, best time of my life. We went shopping and went to a party, tonight is their first show too. So that’ll be good.”

“Susan doing okay?” She questioned.

“God, yeah. I think her and Brent are going on their first date in a couple of days. I’m not sure anymore. The days blur a bit.”

“It’s only day two!” Mum laughed.

“You may have a point.” I conceded.

“Want to say hi to Izz?”

“OF COURSE!” I replied. As if summoned, she popped up behind Mum.

“MEEMZ!” She screamed.

“Hey baby. You looking after stupid Mummy?”

“Yep.” She answered proudly.


“I painted a picture for you today, it’s of you and Ryan.” She loved Ryan, it was sweet. And made me really happy, because for a while she hated him; granted that was before she met him, but not the point.

“Ooh, that sounds great. I’m sure he’ll love to see it too.”

“Go tell him!” She pleaded, I looked up and they seemed to be just chatting.

“Fine.” I found my way to the room they were in.

“RYAN!” Izzy screamed excitedly when she saw his face on the screen.

“Hey princess.” He greeted.

“I painted you a picture.” She held up a painting of me and him holding hands, Izzy was stood next to us.

“It’s beautiful!” Ryan announced.

“I love it Izz, when I see you next can I have it?” I asked.

“Mmhhmm. Who’s that manny?” She replied, looking at Adam.

“I’m Adam!” He introduced. There was a squeal from the other end, suddenly my Mum was in the picture. Ryan was trying desperately not to laugh.

“Mr Tedder, I hope it’s not me you are laughing at.” She teased.

“Of course not.” He laughed.

“Mum is a massive fan of your face.” I told Adam, he just smiled.

“Hi there Amy’s Mum, pleasure to kinda meet you. I hope you don’t mind that we’ve stolen your daughter.”

“You can keep her.” She joked.

“We will.” He teased. “Maybe you guys want to hear a sneak peek from the next album?” It was my turn to be excited, Ryan was holding the iPad (He takes it with him everywhere so I used that to FaceTime Mum) so it meant I could tackle Adam with a hug.

“Definitely!” I announced. I held the iPad, they had done more than I thought. The song was pretty much complete and it was awesome.

“I call it ‘New Love’.” Ryan informed everyone at the end.

“I wonder who that’s about.” Adam laughed.

“Absolutely no one.” Ryan defended, winking at me. The romantic dick.

“Anyway, we should probably go Mum. I’ll call tomorrow definitely.” We all said our goodbyes, then headed out for a taxi.

“You coming tonight?” Ryan asked Adam.

“I can try.” Woop woop! That would be totally awesome.

“Great, I’ll let Clint know. He’ll organise your possible entrance, you can sit with this one.” He explained, pointing to me.

“It’s rude to point.” I commented absently, I was already thinking about tonight. It should be amazing, it will be. I know once we are at the hotel, its chill out before going to the venue. Maybe The Script and American Authors will chill too. That’ll be fun. Maybe.


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