Chapter 7 - Introductions

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’10 minutes away. Meet us at the gates. :)’

“Susan! They’re almost here.” We had just reached the common room after the final lesson before lunch. We were so excited, I couldn’t wait for Susan to meet the band. “Come on, let’s go to the gate.” As we walked towards the gate I noticed that a group of people were trailing behind us. I could see Susan getting more and more irritated at them, but I wasn’t stopping her. I wouldn’t have minded if she told them to fuck off.

“If they don’t fuck off soon, heads are gunna roll.” Susan whispered, making me chuckle.

“How do they even know they’re coming?” I questioned.

“Does it really matter? They are here to see you after all, not them.”

“I guess you’re right.” I replied smiling. “But they want to meet all my friends, so obviously you are top of the list.”

“You bet your ass I’m the top of the list.” She was laughing, Susan’s laugh has the magical ability to make you laugh or piss you off in about 5 seconds. Lucky for us, the majority laugh with her. Possibly at her. “You look completely la-la.”

“I am completely la-la.” We sat down and I showed her some of the videos, I was singing along. Enjoying myself to be honest, we had started ‘Stay’ by Mikky Ekko. Then I saw a bus pull up across the road from us. “Susan! That is them.” I jumped up and Susan followed. We ran over to the bus, both of us jumping with excitement. The bus drove directly to the gates and the door opened. Ryan jumped down first, and I jumped onto him. Literally, like a baby monkey or koala.

I was at the door before it opened, I couldn’t wait to see her. I jumped down and before I even looked up there was a weight attached to me.

“I missed you.” She said into my shoulder.

“I missed you to koala bear.” We both laughed, it was true I had missed her. Too much considering I met her yesterday, but hey God works in mysterious ways.


He looked kinda startled at first. I detached myself from him and went to say Hi to the others. “Oh Ry, that’s Susan” I said pointing, he went over to say hey or whatever.

“OMG! It’s Zach! SIGN MY BOOB!” I shouted, that had us laughing. I leant against his shoulder and had to wipe the tears from my eyes as I greeted everyone else normally. Me and the guys went to join Ryan and Susan. Zach offered me cookies on the way over, which I obviously ate. “Just be careful with food around Susan. She may get a little crazy.” I warned him with a chuckle. Those two would get on like a house on fire. They are so alike. “Yeah, guys this is my best friend Susan. Susan meet OneRepublic. She is honestly the only one of my friends who is a true fan. Not matter what they say.” I said introducing them all.

“Nice school! Thought you said you lived in a bad area?” Eddie asked, the others nodded.

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