Chapter 27 - Plans

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I couldn’t sleep, I kept having nightmares. Ryan would die, or he would be upset ‘cause I left him. So I lay there, staring at my ceiling. I promised myself I would stay in bed ‘till 7, it’s the best option, at least then I might get just a bit of sleep. I was supposed to be back at school today, I’m not going, whether they are expecting me or not. I wandered downstairs, the guys were in the kitchen talking with my Mum and Dad, I went straight to the living room. Bad decision. Ryan was on TV, or at least his story, how he was in hospital, how it was serious. I muted it, instead focusing on the pictures they were showing (it’s not like he’s dead, why are they acting like he’s dead?) Pictures of him smiling, pictures of him on show, him as a child and the final few were more recent. Pictures of us, of Susan, and all the guys. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a can, ignoring the silence that had greeted me.

“How you feeling babe?” My Mum asked. I saw Zach and Brent wince.

“Only HE can call me that.” I snapped. “My boyfriend’s dying, how do you think I feel.” I added.

“Amy-” Zach began.

“I don’t care. I shouldn’t have left him. I should be with him. I promised.” I muttered, barely audible.

“We are about to go, grab some food.” Eddie said. I took a bar of chocolate, so I could hold onto those happy memories.

“You seriously eating chocolate for breakfast?” Someone asked, I wasn’t entirely sure it was real. Without Ryan I felt crazy. It was probably a memory, I mean he had said that.

“You’re not my mother.” I whispered. I saved a few blocks, I guess I really was losing my mind.

“Hey babe. I’m sorry I left.” I greeted, kissing his head. I grabbed his hand. “I won’t let go this time.” I was met with silence, I’m not entirely sure what I expected. “I brought you some chocolate, I had it for breakfast again.” The room was left silent, just the noises from machines to keep me company.

At some point Susan came in, I don’t know what time it was.

“I’m sorry.” I broke down, cried on her shoulder. “It gets better. It can only get better.” She said after I stopped crying. “I know it’s hard, just focus on the positives.”

“There are no positives. Not anymore.”

“No. You just choose to ignore them, pull yourself together. You are stronger than this.” She said sternly.

“I can’t do it without him.” I whispered weakly.

“Can’t do what?” She pressed.

“Anything.” I confessed.

“Oh god, Amy.” She pulled me into a hug, maybe she hadn’t realised how much I loved him until now, or maybe it’s the haunted look in my eyes. But something changed. She turned to Ryan. “You better wake up asshole. Wake up so I can beat the crap out of you.” She laughed at first, but soon she was crying too. It really made me realise, I’m not the only one suffering, lots of people love Ryan, and lots of people need him.  

“He’ll be okay.” I said in a broken voice.

“Why so sure?” Susan asked sniffling.

“People need him. We need him. And I refuse to let him die.” I thought back to the press statement the boys had made, the fan response after had been phenomenal. So many people wishing for him to get better, friends and strangers alike. We all need him.

“A plan?” It’s like she can read my mind.

“Who wants to wake up to people constantly crying? So I have a plan, but we are gunna need help.” I leant in and whispered to her, I believe he can hear me. I don’t know why, I guess it’s because all I’m about to do is only going to affect someone who can listen in. Ryan’s greatest passion is music, if we want to help him it’s only logical that it’s music that can save him. Susan didn’t seem convinced but that has never stopped me before.

It was me and Brent, Zach and Eddie were getting speakers and a stereo for us from somewhere. Now I was less crazy I was thinking more clearly.

“B, what was Ry doing?” He looked torn, he obviously was supposed to keep it quiet.

“He was trying to sort out something with the tour, I don’t know what. That’s the truth. He was going to see someone I believe.” He confessed, I don’t know if that was the whole truth, but it’s better than nothing.

“Do you think this will work?” I asked.

“I don’t know anything anymore.” He replied honestly. “But, you’re right. It’s his greatest passion.” I nodded, there was nothing to say. Brent had made a playlist, putting people’s favourite songs in, including Ryan’s. I added one in while no one was looking, the song itself is beautiful in a make me cry kinda way.

“We have gifts!” Zach proclaimed as he entered the room with speakers. Me and Brent helped set things up, Eddie was sorting the stereo out. Things were set, we put the CD in and pressed play. ‘Stereo Hearts’ came on, it worked. Well, the CD worked not the plan. That would take a while probably. They said he could wake up anytime. The Doctors said he might have been improving, he didn’t need a machine to breath anymore. So if he wakes up he should be able to talk or croak. So I had water and chocolate by his bed. I just hoped the music might speed it up. Or something.

A/N: Sorry I didn't post yesterday guys :D <3 Hopefully this was worth the extra day of waiting ;) x

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