Chapter 59

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9:30 I finally get back to the hotel room. The lazy arse is still in bed, so I decided to do some packing. Make sure our stuff is together and we don’t leave anything behind. Which luckily hasn’t happened yet, but there is a first time for everything. I had the kettle going, making myself some more hot chocolate. Ryan had bought some really nice stuff, and caramel syrup to put in it, one of the many reasons why he is the best boyfriend in existence.

“Morning beautiful.” He yawned from the bedroom door.

“Hey handsome.” I greeted him with a smile.

“Could I have a coffee?” He asked, pulling me into a kiss.

“Since you asked so nicely.” I made his coffee and my hot chocolate.

“Ah. Caffeine. My old friend.” He sighed with a smile after taking a sip. “I love you Amy.”

“And I love you Ryan.” I laughed.

“You look distracted.” He pointed out.

“I’m fine, just thinking.” I replied vaguely.

“About home?” He pressed.

“Yeah.” I felt a tear roll down my face. “I miss them. So much. I didn’t say goodbye to everyone. Some people don’t even know where I am.” Ryan had his arms around me.

“I’m sorry I brought all this up. It’ll be fine. I promise. You’ll be able to see everyone soon. It’ll be July before you know it.” He comforted me.

“I know. Don’t be sorry baby. I’m sorry for being an emotional wreck.” I wiped the tears from my face.

“It’s okay, we all have those days.”

“You haven’t.” I pointed out.

“I have those nights.” He reminded me. “And you get me through them every time, so god help me, I will get you through all your rough times too.” He smiled, taking his seat back and drinking his coffee.

“Do you miss your parents?” I asked after a while.

“Of course I do. You’ll meet them soon, I promise. But they know this is what I love and they are fine with it. I call every now and then, but they find out about me on the internet.” He chuckled.

“I bet they do.” I laughed.

“You’ll be happy to know, I told them about you. I think they knew you were different, special, just from that phone call. Since then, I can only imagine what they think now. Every phone call I think I talk about you more and more. Our lives are so entwined, even if we are apart I end up talking about you or what you were doing.” He confessed.

“I love you baby. I’m falling even more in love you.”

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