Chapter 19 - First Date

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A/N - Just a warning guys there are some... graphic scenes. Very badly written graphic scenes! :) So if you don't like that sort of stuff don't read the whole chapter :P And please comment guys, would love to hear your thoughts and what not :D x

As the limo came to a stop he grabbed my hand. “Ignore everyone else okay. Focus on me, do what I do.” He said suddenly.

“Okay.” The door opened to the most beautiful building I’ve seen. “WOW! Ry, this is beautiful.” I gasped.

“It might not be completely be up your street, but just remember I’ve got a plan.” He assured me. He wrapped a hand round my waist, there were some flashes and someone called Ryan’s name. “Paparazzi. Ignore them, we’ll stop for a picture by the door.” He whispered to me. I nodded and he led me to the door. I couldn’t help but be amazed at the location, it was beautiful. The building itself was amazing, the surroundings were beautiful and green. I was perfect. We posed for some pictures before Ryan took me inside. “Tedder.” He said to the desk.

“This way please Sir.” I followed them to a very romantic table. Lit candles, pretty isolated, man Ryan is perfect. He handed me a menu; Belmond Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons. I’ve heard of it, two Michelin stars, incredibly expensive, amazing and almost impossible to get into.

“This is amazing Ryan. I mean it really is.” I was beyond happy, I couldn’t stop smiling at him. And he was happy I loved it, he really smiled. The happiness shining in his eyes, giving them the most adorable twinkle.

“I’m glad you like it. What do you think you’ll eat?” He asked.

“I’ll have whatever you have.”

“Great.” He put the menu aside. “I love you Miss Thomson.” He confessed, looking in my eyes, I felt my face heat up. Damn Tedder charm.

“And I love you Mr Tedder.” I smiled back at him. And I plan to forever, I won’t tell him yet, he might suspect something. Don’t want to scare him away just yet. He ordered our food when the waiter come back. “Have you been here before?” I asked.

“Nah, but a friend of mine has. He recommended it and helped make the arrangements.”

“Who was it?”

“Can’t say.” He winked at me. “You’ll meet him soon enough.” If everything goes to plan he thought to himself.

“I better.” I replied laughing. “This place is amazing though.” And it was amazing, we talked about ourselves and asked questions. Got to know each other properly. The food was amazing too. I learnt that Ryan loves cheeseburgers (snap, the perfect man) and that he has a house in L.A. He talked about his home town and Colorado. It was amazing, I loved just listening to him. We talked about our dreams and our plans, about life in general. When I looked at my watch it was 10:30.

“Ry! We gotta leave we’ll be late.” I proclaimed, jumping up. He grabbed my hand.

“Actually, I made a deal with your Mum. We have a room here at the hotel.” He smiled hopefully.

“Really? Oh, that’s great.” A whole night, alone, with Ryan Fuckin Tedder. AWESOME!

“Great, ready to go?” I nodded and let him lead the way. “We are staying in the Provence suite, it’s nice. Private garden and stuff.” He suddenly seemed nervous, I guess I was too thinking about it. When we got there I was stunned.

“Oh My God, Ryan I love you.” I pulled him close and kissed him passionately. He pulled back, leading me into the suite. As soon as the door was closed I pulled him close again, kissing him again. “Ryan. I. Want. You.” I said between kisses. Hi eyes got wide, his pupils already blown.

“You sure?” He gasped as I nibbled his neck.

“Never been surer.” I panted. He pushed me against the wall, I wrapped myself around him, our kiss deep and passionate, full of want and need. He carried me to the bedroom, my lips never left his skin. The noises he made were so hot, god I hate him. He threw me to the bed and straddled me, he began to undress me, kissing my skin as he goes, working his way down my body. Somehow along the way his top had come off, I ran my hand down his torso, never have I wanted something more. “Ryan.” I moaned, desperate for him. He smiled cheekily and stood up, leaving me lying there naked. He pulled his trousers off, leaving his boxers. I could see how aroused he was, pushing me even further.

“Are you sure?” He asked, panting. I couldn’t form words, I just nodded. He took his boxers off and got back on the bed, he leant in and kissed me desperately. He spread my legs and entered me slowly, we both moaned with pleasure. He didn’t move at first, leaning in to kiss me instead.

“Fuck Ryan.” I gasped, he started slowly before speeding up. Thrusting into me. Moaning as we went, his body was dripping with sweat, which shouldn’t have been as sexy as it was. As he sped up I got closer and closer to the edge. “Ryan!” I gasped, letting go. He thrust once more, “Fuck” he said cuming inside me. He collapsed on top of me, or half on me half not.

“That was…” I started, still out of breath.

“Yeah.” He gasped, pulling me close and holding me tight. That’s how I fell asleep.

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