Chapter 77

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Dan let me in straight away. Not questioning me, just guiding me to the sofa and letting me cry on his shoulder.

“It’s my fault they are arguing.” I sobbed, Danny was rubbing circles on my back, trying to provide some comfort.

“It’s not your fault. They’ve barely spoken since you collapsed, but they had been fighting before that. We didn’t want to tell you, but they have been struggling with the distance.” He looked upset as well, I see why they kept it from me.

“But, now they’re gunna break up.” I cried, Glen placed a cup of tea in my hands and passed one to Danny. They really do love their tea, and the habit is catching. I sipped at my tea, still in tears.

“And if they do, it won’t be because of you.” Danny sighed sadly.

“The distance doesn’t work for everyone, give ‘em a chance. Me and Rina had so many fights and split up so often, even I’m surprised we got married.” Mark informed me with a chuckle. He managed to force a small smile out of me. “I did it!” He cheered.

“Sorry.” I said quietly, Danny just pulled me into another hug.

“Don’t worry about it. Take your tea and find your man, he’s probably going crazy right now.” Danny reminded me, I hugged each of them and kissed their cheeks. We’ve grown into a family now, I’ve never been so comfortable with a group of people. I found Ryan in our hotel room, phone in hand, he looked up as the door opened and practically threw himself at me.

“Are you okay? What happened? I was so worried!” I smiled at him, kissing his kips softly.

“Promise me will always be together.” I pleaded, he could see I had been upset.

“I promise.” He looked confused, but said it anyway, I pulled him into another kiss, one that quickly grew hot and passionate. I pulled back with a sigh.

“Brent and Susan are going to break up.” I sniffed, trying not to cry again. Ryan wrapped his arms around me and we stood like that for a while, wrapped around each other.

“Brent loves her darling. It’s just, they are both struggling with it all. When they come out the other side they’ll be so much stronger.” He assured me, kissing my head.

“If they get out the other side.” Very pessimistic, I guess I’m just worried for them.

“You’ve seen those two, they’ll be back together before you know it. And you have nothing to worry about, me and you will always be together. If it’s up to me, I would never leave your side.” That’s the amazing thing about Ryan, he can tell what’s on my mind and he always makes me feel better. Or tries too. Susan chose that moment to enter the room.

“Wow! I’ve managed to catch you without your tongues down each other’s throats. This is an amazing moment.” She teased.

“Hey we often have these beautiful moments.” Ryan defended.

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