Chapter 70

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Ryan woke me up with a kiss. I felt like shit; that was the first thing I noticed.

“Morning sweetheart.” He sounded slightly cheerier today.

“Hey.” I croaked.

“Come on, let’s go out for breakfast.” He suggested.

“Sure, you go on ahead.”

“I’ll meet you in the car.” He informed me, pulling on a t-shirt and heading out the door. I got up slowly, my head was banging and I thought I might throw up. I picked up some random clothes, a OneRepublic tour concert t-shirt and skinny jeans.

“You aren’t eating much.” Ryan commented, he was right I guess.

“Sorry, guess I’m just not feeling it.” I gave him a smile, and slowly ate more of the eggs. We had been having a lovely morning, I really didn’t want to bring the mood down. “Babe. How did it go last night? I mean really.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

“It took me a while before I was ready to go and face them. When I did they explained their thoughts and feelings, and sometimes they had a point. Nothing was solved. There was no making up. I think we’ve all changed, maybe too much. This could honestly be the end.” He informed me, a sad and distant look in his eyes. I took his hand.

“Baby, things will get better. Everyone is stressed and tired, after the day off I’m sure everyone will feel better and things will go back to normal.” I explained, he nodded. Obviously forcing a smile.

“You’ll be there tonight right?” He asked. And that little puppy dog face is so irresistible. I may have felt like I was about to drop dead, but I just can’t say no.

“Of course!” I replied. “I’m just going the loo.” I walked as quickly as possible, locked myself in and threw up breakfast. “Great. This shit again.” I muttered. After a couple of minutes I walked back out, Ryan had paid the bill already.

“We better go to the bus.” Ryan sighed, this was probably stressing him out.

“Look, you go with Danny and the guys. Finishing writing that song. I’ll go with the boys.”

“Really? You’re sure.” He checked, I nodded with a smile. “Thanks babe.” We had a quick kiss before going back to the hotel.

“And where is Ryan?” Zach asked after the bus started moving.

“Finishing some songs with Danny.” I informed him, not looking up from my phone.

“Surprised you didn’t go with him.” Zach muttered.

“Look, I always thought we got on well. But, if you have a problem say it to my face.” I snapped. I was fed up of their shit, I was fairly certain what was coming next.

“Fine. If that’s what you want.” Zach started, the others tried to shut him up, but they failed. “You have fucked this up, Ryan can’t focus, he doesn’t do anything. The band spend less time together because all he cares about is you, when he is with us all he talks about is you. You are a nice girl, perfect for Ryan, but what you obviously can’t see is you are ruining his life and his career.” Wow. Slightly OTT.

“Right. I’m not the one who had him in tears or the ones who have him convinced the world is ending. He has given up trying to save the band. He loves you like family. You are the blind one, if you can’t see that.”

“Save the band?” Eddie questioned.

“Ryan’s already told me he thinks this is the end. That after this tour, after this album there will be no more OneRepublic. He feels so bad because he feels he let you down, he feels like everyone has changed too much and that now you just don’t work.” My head was pounding, the longer this goes on the more pain I’m in.

“The end?” Eddie seemed so confused.

“How did you think he would react? The poor thing, he is absolutely heart broken, he feels as if he has lost everything he loves and he has really. I’m all he has left and I’m sure that I just remind him why you fight. Now, I’m sure you all have important things to do. I’m going to Ryan’s bed. Auf Wiedersehen.” I got into the bedroom, got into the bed and fell asleep not minutes later.

They were singing ‘Counting Stars’ and it was awesome. Probably. I was in so much pain, my head was killing me, and I felt light headed. My heart was beating so fast, the room starting spinning, I grabbed onto the rail behind me. Holding on for dear life, Ryan was watching me, maybe slightly concerned. I tried to smile, but I don’t think my brain is working. Then my legs collapsed from beneath me, I was falling and I couldn’t stop. Everything was going black. The last thing I saw was Ryan’s terrified face as he jumped off stage trying to get to me, his mouth was moving. I don’t hear a word. I chuckled inside my head. Then everything was black and silent.

A/N - Yep, sorry, but not sorry XD Please vote and comment, I really do love hearing what you think :) Thanks guys

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