Chapter 14 - The Call

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I had decided I was ignoring Brent and Ryan, because I felt like it. If they don’t want to tell me their secret we just won’t talk. So I was sat with Zach and Eddie. Zach was eating cookies, as usual, and I’m pretty sure Eddie was texting some random girl he met at a bar.

“Why won’t he tell me?”

“We don’t even know what it is!” Eddie answered. Not even looking up from his phone.

“Yeah, if we knew we would tell you. ‘Cause I like you more than Ryan.” Zach was trying to lighten the mood I guess.

“Thanks Zach.” I sighed.

“Have you asked Ryan?” Eddie offered.

“No. I am ignoring him.”

“How can he tell you if you’re ignoring him?” Zach pointed out.

“He doesn’t know I’m ignoring him because he hasn’t spoken to me since walking off to make a phone call.” I raged.

“Amy, it’s probably nothing.” Zach assured me. “In fact, it’s almost definitely nothing.” I nodded, but I knew something was up.

It wasn’t going as planned. I knew she would be upset, I wasn’t the nicest person after her lesson. That was a dick move. Now she’s ignoring me, or at least not talking to me. If I go to her I know she’ll ask me about the phone call. It’s not I don’t want to tell her. It’s that I can’t tell her. If she gets her hopes up before everything is finalised and then it falls through heart-broken wouldn’t describe how she feels. It is not my fault the assholes can’t pick up the phone. Brent disagrees – obviously. He thinks I should talk to her about it first, before I start making arrangements. No offence to Brent, but what does he know? She’s my girl and in the end it’s my decision. So, Brent and Amy are ignoring me. Zach and Eddie love Amy and Drew is god knows where. To summarise, I am on my own. Urgh. I hate my life sometimes.


“Amy, can I talk to you for a minute?” Ryan asked, finally he decided to talk to me. I walked out, but didn’t say a word. “I know you’re mad at me. I get it, I was a real dick. But I can’t tell you why I was on the phone.”

“And why not?” I argued.

“I don’t want you to get hurt, if I tell you and things don’t work out-”

“Shut up! I want to know, I have the right to know I think. Especially if it involves me!”

“Amy, please. Just forget about it. I promise you, it’s all fine and you don’t need to worry.”

“Jesus Ryan, get your head out of your fucking ass. It’s not a bloody hat. I can make decisions for myself you know.”  I walked off, obviously mad at him. Part of me was proud for standing up to someone, plus I got to use that line. I have been waiting so long to use that line.

It couldn’t have gone worse. I watched as she marched upstairs, okay so Brent might know more than me. I glanced at my phone, seeing the reply I FINALLY received. That didn’t work either. I fucked up big time. The surprise is a failure and I’ve manage to piss Amy off big time. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to think.

“Well done.” Brent said as he walked by. I grabbed his arm before he entered the living room.

“Brent! You were right. How can I make it up to her?” I begged.

“Just tell her who you were phoning!” He said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Fine. Okay. I get it. Sorry man, I gotta trust you next time.”

“You fucking better Tedder.” He replied laughing, pulling me into a bro hug. “Now go win back your lady. Before Zach tows her in with cookies.” He added with a laugh.



I could hear him walk up to the door, I can’t believe he is treating me like such a baby. I can look after myself. “Just come in Ryan.” He walked up to the bed and sat at the edge, he ran his hand through his hair. I’ve noticed he does that a lot. Especially when he’s nervous or worried.

“You’re right. I was too busy thinking about myself, you have a right to know and I really shouldn’t treat you like a child. I didn’t mean too, sometimes I just don’t think. I was trying to get The Script to come down and say hi, but it turns out they are in Africa or something. I didn’t want to tell you because I know you love them and as it turns out they can’t come. I’m sorry.” He finally looked up, his eyes were full of sadness. They seemed more grey than usual, maybe they do change with his moods. A bit like a mood ring. I couldn’t think of any words, I mean I forgive him obviously. So, I came up to him and kissed him. Not like the other times, this was serious, passionate, open-mouthed. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it, his soft lips, the tangy smell of his cologne, his warms arms had wrapped around me. He pushed me back slightly, taking control. I opened my eyes, saw that his had turned deep green and his tongue begged for entrance. There were moans from me and him, everything felt so right. All I could hear was my heart pounding in my chest and the noises Ryan was making. Wow. This was intense. He pulled back, panting heavily.

“Wow.” He commented. I giggled, shut up. That was a hot, emotionally charging moment. “Really wow.” He said after a few minutes. He lay down and pulled me onto his chest, stroking my hair slowly. “I love you Amy. I love you so much.” His voice held so much emotion, he really meant it.

“I love you too Ryan. More than anything.” I could tell he was smiling. We stayed there, eventually I must have fallen asleep. But my last thoughts were of Ryan and that kiss.

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