Chapter 43 - McDonald's

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We went straight to Brent’s room, which was probably where people had gathered. They had, all sat around the TV watching some random crap. It was a fairly normal sight to be honest, Zach had a packet of cookies with him. Brent was drinking coffee, Drew was on his phone and Eddie and Susan were Eddie and Susan.

“Hey dudes!” Ryan greeted as we walked in. I headed for Zach and took a cookie.

“Hey!” He complained.

“You love me really.” I pointed out. I sat next to him, because then I can keep eating cookies. Plus there was no more room on the sofa. Ryan sat on my other side.

“How was the studio?” Brent asked.

“Finished up a song, just got to record it and do the production. But shouldn’t be long ‘till that one’s ready.” Ryan informed him. They started talking musical stuff.

“Can I have another cookie?” I asked Zach sweetly.

“I really must love you.” He muttered as he passed me a cookie. I gave him a one armed hug.

“You are definitely my favourite Zach Filkins.” I informed him.

“That is a relief. For a second I thought Eddie was your favourite Zach Filkins.” He teased.

“Now you mention it!” I laughed.

“Eddie what?” Eddie asked from the sofa.

“Zach says you’re my favourite Zach Filkins.” I told him.

“Right.” Eddie replied, drawing the word out. He pulled his phone out and smirked. My phone buzzed about a minute later. OneRepublic made a tweet. It was a picture of me and Zach giggling about Eddie probably, it said ‘Cookie monsters travel in pairs, they can be particularly vicious if you eat their cookies.’

“Prick.” I stated. It went on like that for a good hour or two, Susan helped me eat Zach’s cookies. Me and her talked about meeting Adam and Danny, about how crazy our lives were. Then I had an idea.

“Ryan?” I started slowly.


“You know you love me?”

“I do now.” Damn, he is full of sarcasm today.

“Well. Can we go to McDonald’s before the show?” I begged. The others were trying not to laugh, truth is me and Susan want to eat at an American McDonald’s.

“You are dating Ryan Tedder, who makes millions, and you want McDonalds.” Zach gasped between laughs.

“Fuck you. McD’s rocks, plus he won’t have money for long if he keeps spending it all.” I argued.

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