Chapter 62

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I managed to get to sleep at 3 in the morning, as usual Ryan was asleep before his head hit the pillow. Unfortunately for me, the more I think and worry about things, the less I sleep. And I’m worrying about a lot, about home, about the people I left there, about Susan leaving and about Ryan. A lot of it is worrying for no reason, but I can’t help it.

“Babe, we need to take Susan to the airport.” Ryan told me. I stretched out and checked the clock, 8 AM. Great.

“Okay. I’m getting up now.” He gave me a sad smile and went into the main room, presumably to pack the last of our stuff. He had left the white dress he bought me for our first date and the rest of the outfit too. I couldn’t help but smile at the memory.

“Morning, hot chocolate is on the table.” Ryan called out from the couch.

“Thanks babe.” I called back, it was good too. Ryan came and sat beside me.

“How you feeling?” He asked looking concerned.

“I’m okay. I’ll be fine.” I replied, not looking at him.

“I know you aren’t sleeping babe, you need to. Okay, I don’t want you getting ill.” He sighed, taking my hand in his.

“I do try.” I whispered quietly.

“I know. I know. I just worry.” He replied, leaning over to give me a kiss. “We could get you some sleeping pills.” He suggested.

“No. No pills. Just give it a week okay.”

“Sure hunny. Be ready to go.” He agreed. Getting up again, this time going in to the bedroom. I hadn’t thought he had noticed, but of course he did. That man doesn’t miss a thing.

I sat beside Susan in the bus, Ryan was talking to Zach about something, but he kept glancing over at me.

“Promise you’ll call and text?” I asked Susan, for like the 100th time.

“Yes, I promise.” She agreed.

“We’ll be back in no time, I’m sure.” I comforted although it was more for me than for her.

“I know. Look after Brent for me.” She whispered.

“I think it may be the other way round, but I’ll try my hardest.” I laughed. I gave her a big hug. “I’ll give you some time together.” I went and sat next to Eddie, who was on his phone.

“Hey Eddo.”

“Hey kid. How you feeling?” He asked without looking away from his phone, Flappy Bird. He’s one of the few people who can still be bothered with it.

“You know. Not bad, I guess.”  I shrugged.

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