Chapter 79

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That was a whole new level of intense. Or maybe not. Every experience with Ryan is pretty memorable.

“Love is this, this is love.” Ryan sang softly, making me smile. I turned to face him, he was smiling dreamily and the happiness was shining through those eyes. The fact he’s humming and singing whilst staring into space tells me he is really happy. He has my hand and is drawing spiral shapes on my palm. I stared at him for a while, taking in everything about him. He had after sex hair, which was surprisingly sexy and his body is sticky with sweat, which is less attractive but I’ll take what I can get. I rolled on top of him, mirroring what he had done earlier on, straddling him and leaning down for a kiss.

“I fucking love you.” I confessed, sounding completely serious. Obviously, because I was serious.

“I love you too.” Something about him today, I can’t keep my hands off him. He’s not much better either. He shuffled up, so he was leaning against the headboard, his hands started to wander, following random lines across my body. As he explored my skin I took to his, kissing every inch I could reach, and letting my hands do the rest. He loves the hair thing, I know he does, I kissed him again enjoying the moan that escaped as I tugged playfully at his hair. This wasn’t lust fuelled, it was passionate, I don’t necessarily see it leading to more sex. We were just enjoying our time together. “We might just have to shower again.” He mumbled as I moved on to massage his head, he looked like was going to fall asleep.

“Don’t want to waste water.” I agreed, smiling fondly. His breathing evened out, he looked so peaceful. I got up to leave.

“Stay.” He slurred, barely awake. “Stay with me.” I lay back down on his chest, still straddling him. His arms wrapped around me, I saw the smile on his face. This makes it all worthwhile. These stupidly cheesy little moments. We lay there for a while, me watching Ryan sleep. It’s so cute, he actually hums and sings a little in his sleep. It is adorable. Then the door opened and Danny walked in.

“We’re at the venue, and –“ He froze staring at me. Shit. Naked. I am fucking naked. I grabbed the covers and pulled them over us.

“Jesus Danny! Knock why don’t you!” I shouted, beyond embarrassed.

“Uhm, I’m sorry. Look. Venue. Sound check. Yeah.” Danny was equally embarrassed and fled looking nervous. Ryan started moving beneath me.

“Was that Dan?” He asked, voice thick with sleep.

“Yeah, we’re at the venue. How about that shower?” Ryan smiled in response, letting me pull him into the bathroom. “Danny saw me naked.” I blurted as we got in the shower. Ryan just looked at me for a second, before pulling me back to him.

“He knows you’re mine.” He practically growled, way too sexy, I surged up to kiss him. He stumbled backwards until his back hit the shower wall. We both ignored the water showering over us, I could hear the boys taking equipment out though.

“Come on baby, let’s shower.” I sighed, his face mirrored my disappointment. “Don’t want you tired out before the show hunny. But you can show me I’m yours afterwards.”

“Fine.” He handed me the shower gel, his way of getting me to wash his body. Can’t say no to Mr Tedder.

"Finally!" Susan cheered when we walked into the green room.

“We thought you had died..” Zach chuckled.

“Nope, not dead.” I told him.

“In the shower.” Ryan continued, earning him another jab in the stomach. Not that it particularly bothers him. I guess these guys pretty much know what me and Ryan are doing and when.

“There’s my girl.” Dan laughed, pulling me into a hug. “I’m not sure I can look at you the same way.” He muttered.

“I suggest you find a way, Mr Protective over there is very protective today.” I told him, I’m not sure what Ryan would do but given the shit with Adam I don’t see it being nice.

“Yeah, yeah.” Dan went and sat down and I fell back next to Ryan, leaning against his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, making me smile.

“Sorry guys, I don’t know what’s gotten into us.” I smiled, I did feel pretty bad, we aren’t usually like this.

“I know what’s been in you, Ry-“

“OKAY! Moving on.” I interrupted, trying to hide my face in Ryan’s chest. My face was burning, Ryan was chuckling, but I’m sure he’s just as embarrassed. Or he should be.

“Ah, Amy’s embarrassed.” Danny teased.

“And so were you.” I snapped, Dan quickly looked away.

“Wait! What?” Mark asked.

“Doesn’t matter.” Danny told him.

“Definitely does.” Zach replied, looking from me to Ryan to Danny.

“It fucking don’t.” Then Dan stormed off, talk about acting weird.

“So?” Glen asked.

“Dan saw Amy naked.” Ryan informed them bluntly.

“You were naked too!” I tried to justify.

“He what? You what? What?” Mark stammered, they all seemed a bit in shock.

“We were busy. The door was shut. Dan walked in.” Ryan explained, he was playing with my hair, seemingly unbothered by all this.

“And you don’t care that he saw her?” Brent asked after a while.

“Look man, you saw her too. Anyway, everyone knows we are together. D wouldn’t try anything. They’re like family.” Makes sense I guess.

“I care.” I mumbled, but everyone ignored me. “I’m gunna check on Dan.” I told them a little louder, heading off in the direction he had gone.

A/N - Hope you are all enjoying this :) Please vote and comment, I swear it gets interesting again in a chapter or two XD

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