Chapter 41 - Coffee

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I woke up to an empty bed. In fact, Ryan didn’t even sleep here if the state of the bed is anything to go by. There was a glass of water on my side though, that definitely wasn’t there last night. So he came into the room, but didn’t sleep here. Is he in a mood with me? To be fair, I should have told him, but I shouldn’t have to confess everything to him. I drank the water and decided to take the glass into the kitchen area. A blanket was on the sofa, Ry must have slept there. But he wasn’t there now, actually I couldn’t hear anything. Maybe he went out. Or is in someone else’s room.

“Ryan!” I called out. No reply, I checked my phone and there were no messages. I couldn’t find a note either. So, he’s in that mood then. I ate some breakfast biscuits and felt alright, honestly I think I’m better now. I think it may have been a mild case of food poisoning, which explains the fever and the sickness. Obviously, the best course of action is to go out. Naturally. And Ryan isn’t here, guess I’m flying solo.

‘Is Ryan wiv you?’ I sent to Adam, thinking maybe they were writing together. Or in the studio.

‘No. Should I call him?’ He replied within seconds.

‘Nah. Just heading out for hot chocolate.’

‘Meet ya in costa’s :D’ Adam sent, I didn’t mind really. It would be nice to talk to him for a bit, better than being a loner. I walked in to find Adam already sat a table, thankfully he wasn’t being mobbed. I ordered my stuff and sat opposite him.

“Hey!” He greeted happily. “How’s Ryan after last night?” He asked, referring to the Heather incident.

“He seemed a bit upset last night, worked up and all. I haven’t seen him today though.” I informed him.

“He didn’t say goodbye?” Adam seemed pretty surprised.

“God, he didn’t even sleep in the bed last night. He took the couch.” I laughed.

“Strange.” He stated.

“But, who cares about Ryan, what about you? How’s the album coming along?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“It’s going great. Ryan said he has a song for me to look at, which should be great.”

“Lucky strike was awesome though! I don’t think he could beat that.” I pointed out.

“Fair point. But the album is shaping up nicely, obviously we have ‘Maps’ and a couple of others that I shouldn’t talk about yet. I will say I love it so far.”

“TEASE! But I kinda forgot ‘Maps’ that was amazing too.” I complained.

“Sorry.” He replied, sticking his tongue out. He looked at his phone. “Ryan Tedder, 7 missed calls. Oops.”

“You should probably call him.”

“Ryan hey. Have I seen Amy?” He looked over at me, I just nodded. Ryan has ways of knowing everything. “Yeah, we are having coffee in Costa right now. No I won’t bring her home. Ryan don’t be a douche.” He hung up smiling, damn. I’m liking Adam more and more.

“You rock!” I stated simply.

“Why thank you. Thinking about it, maybe he went to church.” Adam replied, pretty randomly.

“I guess that does make sense.”

“I know it isn’t Sunday, but sometimes he just likes to sit in church.” Adam informs me.

“I get that.” And I did, I may not be religious, but I know what it’s like to really believe in something.

“He can be a controlling douche sometimes, but blame it on Heather. She really messed him up, he always worries his girl might cheat on him or something. That’s what I’ve heard any way.” He explained.

“Oh and thanks for the restaurant recommendation.”

“Ha! I thought that place would be great for you guys. Or at least to get Ryan out of his little bubble.” I saw Ryan hurry through the door. I gave a little wave.

“You should be in bed.” He complained.

“So should you.” I countered.

“I thought you were angry at me!” He justified, okay I get that. Hadn’t really thought of that possibility.

“I don’t think it’s possible to 1) stay mad at you, and 2) not want snuggles. And I was ill, that is my excuse.” I replied.

“You could have texted.” He pointed out.

“And you could have left a note.”

“Would it kill you to forgive me now?” He asked, smiling like a madman. “Haha! That’s it!” He pulled out his phone and started typing. That was the end of that argument. “Great! Are you feeling better?” I nodded, because I had eaten an hour or two ago and feel fine. “Perfect! To the studio.” And then he was out the door.

“He does this a lot. I’d try to get used to it.” Adam suggested, shaking his head. We walked up to the taxi Ryan had got into.

“I have written a song that I think would be perfect for Maroon 5!” Ryan exclaimed as we started moving.

“Can’t wait to hear it.”

“It’s a work in progress, so you can definitely change it around a bit. You know how we do.”

“Wanna drop me off at the hotel?” I offered.

“NO!” Ryan protested.

“Why don’t you come check it out, see how your boyfriend spends his time.” Adam joked.  I sent everyone a text ‘Wiv Ry and Adam @ studio x’. Susan replied saying ‘I fucking hate you asshole’ which is her way of being jealous. I have to admit, this was pretty crazy. I’m about to go watch my boyfriend who is the lead singer of a hit band write with ADAM LEVINE, who is a sexy famous motherfucker and they actually want me there.

“Damn, Ry don’t let me forget to call my parents.”

“There should be time at the studio.” Adam pointed out, great. My Mum will be so jealous. This should be fun.

A/N - Happy Halloween Guys :D Thanks for reading :)

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