Chapter 11 - Meet the BF

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“Boyfriend…” He said slowly, eyeing Ryan up and down. “Why does he look so familiar?”

“Let’s talk about it over dinner. It smells delicious and I’m hungry.” My Mum ordered, my Dad walked off slowly but he was definitely judging. Thank God for Mum, she might save my life tonight.

“Be yourself and he’ll love you.” I told Ryan, giving him a hug before we went to the Dining room. We all took a seat, I sat next to Ryan and my Mum was opposite. My brother and sister hadn’t met him yet, so they were staring just like my Dad. “First off, it’s rude to stare guys. And I want you all to meet Ryan Tedder, my boyfriend.” I announced.

“Tedder. As in-” My Dad stuttered, he knew the name well. Or he should do, I never shut up about OneRepublic.

“Singer, producer. OneRepublican. The guy I had a celeb crush on for the majority of my life. Yes.” I summarised. I tasted the pasta stuff. And holy shit – that’s delicious. “OH MY GOD! That is soo goooood. I think I just died, Jesus Ryan. I hate you. You are so perfect.” Everyone laughed. That sentence made pretty much no sense, but I understood what I meant.

“Thanks, I think.” Ryan said eventually, but he was smiling. Everyone said thanks, or commented on the deliciousness of the meal.

“Don’t you think he’s a bit old for you?” My Dad said eventually. I knew that was coming, I’d been thinking about it all day.

“Really Dad!” I replied. “You couldn’t let us have a nice meal.” I couldn’t think of a better comeback.

“No. He has a point.” Ryan said, giving me an apologetic look. I didn’t expect him to back up my Dad. To be honest, I thought he would be too nervous to even talk. “But, sir, I love your daughter. I can’t explain it really but… All this time we were waiting for each other.” Susan’s right, I’m gunna need so many fillings with this dude. But he brings out the ‘best’ (crazy romantic) in me.

“All this time I was waiting for you.” I said, smiling at him. And that’s how I really felt. I’ve been with plenty of guys before, but I’ve never felt this way, it just feels right.

“Anyway. It feels so right with her, I would never want to hurt her in any way.”

“And the guys have a beat-up Ryan club going on. So he won’t want to.” I added quickly.

“Just know. I’m watching and if I think you are treating her badly I will do something about it.” Dad said menacingly. He is such a liar, he wouldn’t do anything, not anything serious anyway.

“Thank you.” Ryan said. “All I want is a chance.”

“You have one.” My Dad replied. I pulled Ryan in for a quick kiss, you know celebrate and that.

“I’ll let the guys know they can come down.” I said, but I was already texting.

“What was that between you two? The all this time thing?” My Mum asked, seeming curious.

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now