Chapter 45 - Our First Show

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They started playing ‘Think About It’, Susan didn’t know their stuff as well. But I loved their album, so we danced and sang along as loud as we could it was great. Then they played one of my all time favourites ‘Luck’, I was smiling like a madman. Jumping and dancing, pointing to them. I shouted, “Love you Zach!” and he made a love heart with his hands. Some of the girls behind me almost fainted it was completely insane. Then it was ‘Believer’, one Susan actually knew. Meaning we both sang along badly. Adam appeared half way through, wearing a hat and sunglasses with a fake moustache.

“Who could this be?” I teased. But he sang along with us, it was fun. He left during ‘Home’, he had to phone one of his producers concerning some songs. They sang almost all their songs, it was really awesome. During ‘Best Day Of My Life’ Zac jumped off stage, gave me and Susan a high five then went to the fans who had actually paid to be here. It was fabulous.

After they finished there was a short break. Me and Susan took a seat. Someone started tapping my shoulder. “Why are you in front of the barrier?” They asked. Before we replied there was screaming again, which was a relief because I don’t know what we can and can’t say. Then The Script walked out. Looking fine. They started singing ‘Superheroes’, which me and Susan love. Adam came out near the start of the song, singing along and dancing like a mad person with us. The three of us waved at Danny, who waved back, which was very sweet of him.

“We want to thank OneRepublic for bringing us out here with them. We also want to thank three crazy people, let’s make it two crazy people and a good buddy of ours, who are showing us a good time. I want you guys to think positive Script thoughts tomorrow, all of you. WE WILL WIN!” Danny shouted. That had me and Susan bent over double, damn right we will win. They went on to sing their hits and a couple of others. It was really great, they are amazing live. The crowd was definitely pumped.

Susan and I screamed as loud as we could when OneRepublic finally came out. We made sure we were crazier than the last two times, we caught the guys laughing at us a few times. Adam stayed for the majority of the show, he was having a great time, dancing along with us.

“Come on up D!” Ryan shouted after ‘Counting Stars’. Adam took of his ‘disguise’ and clambered on stage with them. “Say hi to our good friend Adam Levine.” Me and Susan nearly went deaf, the screaming was so loud. “We are gunna sing ‘Can’t Stop’. Sing along and watch Adam dance.” Ryan chuckled. And they did, Ryan and Adam were dancing around stage together, singing together at some points.

“I almost had a heart attack not gunna lie. That shit was crazy.” Adam panted into the microphone before jumping off stage, just to wind Ryan up he pulled me into a tight hug, kissing my head. Ryan was hilarious, he just stared at Adam for a bit before continuing with the show. “Can I have this dance?” Adam asked politely.

“Hells yeah!” I replied laughing, he took my hand and we ‘danced’ (really badly) in front of the stage. He kept hold of my hand through the whole song, it was super fun. He is actually a great guy. Love him. Ryan wasn’t so keen at the time judging by his face. Zach and Eddie seemed to find it pretty funny.

Then Adam had to leave, he had his own show in a day or two. So, it went back to me and Susan being crazy on our own. Ryan was singing ‘If I Lose Myself’, it’s almost always the finale song and he likes to go into the crowd. He jumped off the stage, one of the security dudes ran forward and helped to hold him up as he held onto someone. Singing, giving high fives, having people grope him – which he hates. Before going back on stage me and Susan got a fist bump, ‘cause we are unbelievably cool.

“Backstage?” Susan suggested, I nodded. It would be nice to meet them as they get off stage. We got a bit lost, but we finally ran into them.

“Hey babe, the show was AMAZING!” I greeted, I was going to say more, but Ryan cut me off with a kiss. God, is he always desperate after a show?

“Wow. You two need to get a room.” Eddie commented.

“We have a room. It’s just not here.” Ryan countered, desperate and sassy. I’m starting to wonder how much of this is adrenaline and how much of it is him being pissed at Adam.

“How about you and Mr. Over-protective head back to the hotel before we see something we really don’t want to see?” Zach offered.

“But, there’s stuff to do and fans I should see.” Ryan argued feebly, it was obvious he wanted to be convinced otherwise.

“We can take care of it, plus your mind is definitely somewhere else right now.” Ryan sighed, in relief or defeat I’m not sure.

“Sounds good. I owe you one.”

“$30 should cover it.” Ryan chuckled as he handed over $30. “McDonald’s on Ryan!” Zach announced.

“See you guys later.” We headed out together, Ryan had his arm round my waist, pulling me as close to him as possible.

“Are you pissed at Adam?” I asked randomly as we walked to the car.

“No. Why would I be?” His voice was off, and his knuckles were white, his grip on my waist tightening. Such a bullshitter.

“You know, it was only revenge because you got him on stage.” I pointed out. I don’t really see why he is angry at him, it’s not like we kissed or anything. I mean not in a romantic way.

“That is not the point.” He muttered angrily, it suddenly made sense. He must think I would leave him for Adam, or more to the point for someone on the fit list. God that bitch Heather fucked him up big time.

“Is this about the fit list?” He didn’t reply, just ran his hand through his hair. “Jeez, you know I love you right. But you are top of the fit list, because you are perfect in every single way. Do I look at someone and think ‘damn they are hot’ sure I do. But I definitely don’t think ‘I would leave Ryan for him’. Because I can’t bear to be away from you. You are a dumbass dick sometimes.” I ranted. He seemed kinda sheepish after that, but there was a ghost of a smile on his lips. I pulled him in for a kiss. “Now get me to the hotel, so I can show you how much I love you.” I teased with a wink, climbing in to my side. I don’t think I’ve seen Ryan move so fast and look so determined ever.

A/N - 1K READS!!! Thanks guys :D I never thought I would get as many reads as that, so thanks a bunch :) Hope you're still enjoying the story, I promise things are about to get a whole lot more interesting ;) Vote and comment if ya have time XD

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