Chapter 23 - Caller ID

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“He said two hours right?” I was pacing in the living room. Usually if he gives me a time, he'll be back before that. But he's late. Really late. I'm talking two hours late. 

“It’s probably just traffic.” Zach suggested.

“Yeah, you know what Oxford’s like!” Susan reminded me helpfully.

“Yeah. I guess.” Ryan had been gone for way more than two hours, it was in fact approaching four hours now. Which I know is more than enough time to get there, even with traffic. But, maybe he underestimated the amount of time it would take for him to sort stuff out.

“Relax he’ll be here in no time.” Eddie claimed. Then Zach’s phone started ringing.

“That’s probably him now.” He said cheerily, not thinking to check the caller. “Hello?” The person on the phone talked, we couldn't hear exact words, just a voice. Zach’s face went ghostly pale. “You’re sure?” His voice was shaking. “Of course, yeah.” He hung up, his eyes were wet. “We need to get to A&E, like right now.”

A/N- Love to hear your thoughts on this one guys :D

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