Chapter 74

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“Mr Tedder, if you want you can sign the forms now. Then when she wakes up you can leave when you are ready.” That must be a Doctor. Wait, Ryan’s here. I forced my eyes open in time to watch Ryan leave the room. I sighed.

“Morning sleepy head.” Adam chuckled. “Don’t worry he didn’t come back after the show, he came about an hour ago.” He reported.

“Thanks A.”

“No problem sis. I hate to be a spoilsport, but I need to head back now.” He leant down and kissed my forehead. “No silly business now, look after yourself.”

“Okie dokie, have fun.”

“I will.”

“You better send me the album.”

“You can buy it like everyone else, I don’t live off freebies.” He smiled.

“Oh really, I revoke our siblingship.”

“That is not a word.” He argued.


“Fine free album. Only because I can’t live without my lil’ sis.” He conceded.

“Ahh, thanks Adam. You are so kind.” I laughed. “I promise to text and eat and all that other stuff.”

“You better, remember I have Ryan’s number.” He threatened, mostly playfully. But he really did have Ryan’s number and I’m sure if something’s up Ryan would tell Adam.

“You should remember that I have Ry wrapped around my finger.” I replied with a smirk.

“Your Mum.” He raised his eyebrows and left. He does like to make an exit, leaving my Mum as the target of his questions. Not that she’d care about keeping any of my secrets, she would definitely tell him. ‘Bye :D’ I couldn’t help but laugh at him. ‘Bye weirdo’ I replied quickly. Ryan strolled in a minute later.

“Hey baby.” He came and gave me a kiss. “Missed you last night.”

“I missed you too. Now come on, I wanna get out of here.”

“Slow down. Might want some clothes.” He chuckled, passing over a bag. “I picked up the first things I could find.” He admitted.

“Who cares? Not me, that’s for sure.” I pulled out the clothes and put them on. Black leggings and Ryan’s Mr Cool top.

“Shit, sorry. Didn’t even grab your clothes. I was tired. And worried. And rushing.” He told me.

“Hey, I don’t care. Stop being stressed.” I pulled him into a hug. “I’m so sorry about everything.”

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now