Chapter 52 - Cookies

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“There you are bitch!” Susan shouted over the music.

“Sorry! Izzy.” I stated simply, she knows what Izzy is like. This concert was just as great as the last, me and Susan had a good laugh. Dancing like maniacs and singing along like loonies for a change. Not. Authors were great, I had loved them for a while but a lot of people in the crowd and Susan have grown to love them after seeing them perform. When The Script came on me and Susan decided we would ‘act’ (and by that I mean we pretended to pretend) like fan girls. It was funny.

“SHOUT OUT TO THE BEST BOWLING TEAM! TEAM SCRIPT AND THE A-TEAM!” Danny shouted towards the end of their set. “You know, we’ll be going down… in the hall of fame.” Smoothly into their finale, points to Danny for being totally amazing right there.

As usual OneRepublic were perfect, Ryan was extra gorgeous tonight.

“They look good tonight.” Susan commented.

“Fuck yes!” I laughed back, sometimes I think she can read my mind. It’s gunna be so strange without her, it’s been 3 days so in 4 days she has to go back home. I can’t imagine the concerts on my own, I might stay backstage or something. We made the most of it though, made sure that we had the most fun humanly possible.

“We want to try something that we haven’t done in a long time.” Ryan announced, he sounded a bit out of breath. He does dance around like a psycho, how he doesn’t get dizzy sick I really don’t know. “This song goes out to two special people in the crowd tonight” Susan just looked at me, smiling like a maniac. Whatever is happening she was involved. “They know who they are.” He chuckled as the crowd began to murmur to each other.

“BIG BABY!” Zach laughed into the microphone.

“God no.” I buried my head in Susan’s shoulder.

“No sleep this time.” Eddie said.

“God yes!” Susan cheered. They played ‘Lullaby’. They are a sappy bunch of assholes that are too nice to me and Susan sometimes. And too mean the other times. I was having a real difficulty deciding if I was happy or embarrassed, it was one of those moments when you feel ALL emotions. They finished the set a few songs later, Susan grabbed my hand and pulled me backstage for the big finale.

“That’s my favourite part.” I complained.

“Shut up. Your new favourite part is spending time with Ryan.” She pointed out and she kinda had a point. “And I didn’t want to stand here on my own waiting for Brent.” She added with a laugh.



“Ladies. Ladies.” Zach laughed as he came offstage.

“ZACCHHHH SIGN MY BOOBS!” I shouted out. We spent the next few minutes laughing whilst Susan and the others stared.

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now