Chapter 6 - Phone Call

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“What’s up baby?” Ryan asked, answering almost immediately.

“I may have got into a little fight.” I responded quietly. But not quietly enough that he couldn’t hear me.

“Why? Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” He was so concerned, definitely the best boyfriend ever.

“I’m fine, it was more an argument really. But I got sent out of class and have 10 minutes to cool down.” I didn’t want him to worry and then stress out even more.

“Okay, are you sure you don’t want me to do anything about it?” Ah, he wants to protect me. My knight in shining armour. Like a fairy tale.

“If I say yes, would you get here any quicker?” Worth a try right.


“Then I don’t.”

“We’ve already left, we are coming as fast as we can Hunny.”

“I know. Nice performance by the way.” It made me feel slightly better saying it, because it was.

“Thanks, my voice was a bit off. But that songs different every time anyway. It was a fun show actually.” He replied, he was being so nice and honest, but it just reminded me of Emma.

“You were perfect. Don’t let anyone say anything different.” I snapped. I didn’t mean to I just wanted him to know he’s perfect and not to let what anyone says change him.

“So that’s what you fought about.” He said, I could hear the smile in his voice.


I'm glad my sweetheart is fighting for me and not against me. But at the same time I don’t want her getting into trouble because of me.

“Fuck you Tedder.” But we were both laughing. “I’m loving you and leaving.”

“Okay, see ya soon. Love yooooou,” He said playfully, I could hear the others shouting bye from behind him. I hung up and headed back to class. Feeling better already honestly. Just hearing his voice makes me smile. I sat down right next to Susan and worked for the final 20 minutes without saying a word. She was not happy about this. I guess she has a right to be upset, she tells me everything. EVERYTHING! And I didn’t tell her first. Damn now I feel guilty.

“Susan!” Of course, she tried to get out of class without talking to me. “Susan, I have something to give you.” She stopped and turned slowly.

“Is it the life changing news that you met and hooked up with Ryan Tedder? No it’s not. I found out with all the other normal people. OMG, I thought you were my best friend, but no. You didn’t even have the decency to tell me you are screwing Ryan Fucking Tedder. I tell you everything.” She was pissed.

“But have they got these? Peace offering. And technically I’m not screwing him.” I pulled out the autographs and handed them too her, the anger vanished instantly and she pulled me into a frankly bone-crushing hug.

“I’m sorry I ever doubted you!”

“You’re right though, I should have said something. But I can tell you that OneRepublic are on their way here now, they should get here around lunchtime!” We celebrated by screaming and jumping up and down. Two more periods to go. That’s all we have left. We headed off to our next lesson together, already imagining what it will be like once they get here.

Elephants - A OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now