Chapter 24 - A&E

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I had cried the whole way. Everyone was upset and worried, I was inconsolable. All Zach would tell me is that Ryan was involved in an accident. My imagination was going crazy, what if it’s serious? What if he’s not gunna – I can’t even think it.  He had taken his bike, I’ve heard stories about bike accidents. They don’t have happy endings.

I ran to the desk.

“Where’s Ryan? Ryan Tedder? We need to see him!” I asked desperately. A nurse came up to us.

“You are here for Mr Tedder?” She asked politely.

“Yes, where is he? I need to see him.” I demanded.

“You might want to know what you are going to see.” She suggested. I couldn’t help it, I broke down. Tears streaming down my face. Zach held me up.

“Please. Could you tell us on the way?” He asked, voice strained. She looked at me with sympathy.

“Of course. This way. Mr Tedder was involved in an accident, he was on his bike and a car pulled out in front of him. He has broken leg and a punctured lung, along with several minor injuries. What worries us is, he has suffered a serious head injury, and he is currently in a coma. There are a lot of wires and tubes, it’s important you don’t touch these. We won’t know the extent of his injuries until he wakes up.” What she really meant was ‘if he wakes up’, I’ve read about comas before. Sometimes people don’t wake up. Or if they do, they wake up different. “He’s in there.” She pointed to a closed door. Part of me was too scared to go in, to see him lying there like that. But I wouldn’t let him be alone. Not when he need me most.

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