Chapter 73

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I pulled Ryan in for a kiss, one he returned happily. After Danny took the phone I pulled back, not wanting to be too obvious.

“I was enjoying myself.” Ryan complained.

“Oh, you want more?” I teased.

“Is that even a question.” He pulled me closer to him. “I always want you.” He whispered into my ear, making me blush before kissing me passionately. When we finally broke apart, Danny nodded slightly. The phone has been hidden, fabulous. “Wanna tell me where my phone is?” He whispered again.

“I’m afraid I don’t know where it is baby.” And I kissed him again. He sighed and lay back in the bed. “I’m sure it’ll show up at some point though.”

“I hope so.” That’s how the next few hours went by; laughing and not telling Ryan where his phone was. When Ry was leaving it fell out of his coat pocket. I just burst out laughing. “Fuck you.” He probably thought he had left it in there. Poor little thing.

“See ya tomorrow, you need to sleep.” I wanted him to have a proper night’s sleep, in a bed. The look on his face told me he’d think about it. Until then it’s just me and Adam.

“So, how’s Ryan treating you?” Adam asked, as my adopted older brother I was expecting the interrogation to begin at some point.

“He’s treating me fine Adam, you can’t blame this on him. It was my fault.” I sighed.

“Hey I never blamed him!” He exclaimed, raising his hands in surrender.

“Sorry.” I chuckled. “Guess I need to catch up on sleep.”

“You also need to call your Mum.” He reminded me.

“Shit yeah.” I grabbed the iPad Ryan had left behind for me to use and quickly called Mum. She answered immediately.

“Ah, baby, you’re okay!” She cheered, she looked like she had been crying.

“I’m fine Mum, sorry for scaring you. I just wasn’t feeling great, but I had a good chat with the Doc, it won’t happen again.” I informed her.

“Hey, it’s fine. I know you didn’t do it on purpose. We were just worried, how’s Ryan? He sounded so upset last night.”

“He’s better now, him and the boys had fallen out but they’ve all made up. And I’m on the mend, gotta stay overnight again but then I’m home free.” I laughed.

“That’s great, I’m glad you are all making up.”

“Me too. They almost broke up Mum.” I told her, she could see how much this shocked me.


“Yeah, it was pretty scary for a while. But, it’s all sorted. Hopefully it won’t happen again.” Adam popped his head in, he had gone to get some coffee.

“This coffee is shit, want a costa?” He asked.

“Love one please and a muffin.”

“Gotya! I’ll be back in a bit.” The idiot. There is a Costa in the hospital, hopefully he’ll find it. I love the fact he knows exactly what it is I want, I think most of the guys do. Mainly because I am so fussy.

“Adam came to say hi?” My mum questioned.

“Yeah, you know Ry, he didn’t want me to be alone tonight, so he got Adam to come down.

“He is sweet.”

“He thinks Dad hates him.” I confided. It has really been bothering him I think, and it has bothered me, I want them to get on.

“He really doesn’t though, he just cares about you. He worries, wants to know his girl is being looked after. He likes Ryan, way more than any of your past boyfriends.” She replied, with a fond smile. I know she likes Ryan.

“Ryan does look after me, he really does.” At this point Adam skipped into the room.

“A salted caramel muffin with a caramel hot chocolate for the lovely lady.” He laughed, handing it over.

“Love ya.” I smiled, he pushed his way onto the bed.

“Hey Mrs T!” He greeted, my Mum was over the moon. “And about Ryan, he does look after her. He would do anything for her.”

“That’s a relief.” She sighed, but we all already knew that.

“I think you should call her Mumma T, since we’re related.” I said to Adam.

“Thoughts Mumma T?” My Mum just giggled away for a minute.

“I’m cool with that.” She managed to reply eventually.

“I’d love to stay and chat Mum, it’s just I’m pretty tired.”

“Understandable. I’m glad you’re better, and when you come back to the UK we can get your Father and Ryan to get along.”

“I like your thinking.” I smiled and hung up.

“Harsh.” Adam commented.

“Fuck you!” I retorted as he put an arm around me. “Sing.”

“That’s not how we ask people.”

“Sing now bitch?” I tried again, trying not to laugh.

“That’s more like it.” He joked. “What songs?”

“Sing some things off V.” I was asleep within the first few lines, I was pretty tired.

A/N - As promised XD Please vote and comment guys :)

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