Chapter 36 - Sorry

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We walked into Brent’s room; Ryan, Brent, Susan and Drew were all sat in the ‘living room’ with snacks and drinks. Laughing and seemingly fine. But the way Ryan’s eyes instantly locked onto me told me otherwise. He looked slightly angry, a little ashamed too. I just wanted to shout at him and be angry right back at him. I felt Eddie’s hand squeeze my own, his way of saying don’t do anything stupid. I nodded, more to myself than to him or anyone else in the room.

“I’m sorry I snapped, I was being a bit of a dick.” I announced.

“I’d already forgotten.” Susan laughed.

“We all have those moments.” Brent agreed. Eddie had tried to use this little conversation as a distraction, sneaking off to hide the vodka. Unfortunately, Ryan didn’t take his eyes of us.

“Is that vodka?” Ryan asked suspiciously.

“If it is?” Zach countered, stepping in front of me subconsciously, Ryan wouldn’t randomly blame me. Right?

“I would wonder why you had vodka with my girlfriend.”

“We didn’t. The bottle isn’t even open.” Eddie pointed out. Ryan didn’t look convinced, damn he can be a prick.

“Look Ryan, you don’t have to trust us. I mean we’ve only been friends since high school. But, please, for god’s sake trust your girlfriend.” Zach demanded. Ryan ran a hand through his hair.

“I’m sorry. I’m being a total dick. I do trust you guys. After Heather… I mean you know how it was, I don’t want that to happen again. I’m just, struggling I guess.” He really meant it, he looked so sad and apologetic. But using the Heather card, that was a bit of a low blow. Although, he has a point, I guess that does make sense.

“I’m not her. You know I love you.” I replied. “Most of the time.” I added.

“I’m sorry, you are so much better than her. We’ve been waiting for each other.” He smiled, I could tell he meant it.

“I forgive you.” I sighed, leaving Zach and Eddie with a smile and snuggling into Ry’s side. I hate the fact I can’t stay mad at him. The actual asshole.

“Glad to hear it.”

“Should we not be heading out?” Drew reminded everyone, without looking away from the TV.

“Shit yeah!” Ryan exclaimed, jumping up. “We are heading out, it’s hot out so yeah.”

“Thanks for the detail.” I commented sarcastically.

“It’s a surprise.” Zach said gleefully.

“No shit Sherlock.”

“Are you ready to go?” Ryan asked, turning to me. “I didn’t think so. Go get ready.” He chuckled, shaking his head at me and Zach. I get the feeling Ryan thinks we are just big children sometimes, which is a little irritating, I mean Ryan isn’t the most mature person I’ve met. He can’t exactly say anything, he acts like a child a lot too.

“Yeah Zach, you’re such a child.” I joked, so Zach just stuck his tongue out at me. I headed over to our own room, I was packing a handbag with things I might need for this ‘surprise’ trip when I suddenly felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and spent the next 10 minutes throwing up. Not good. When I turned around I saw Eddie looking at me pitifully.

“Your secret is safe with me.” He promised, seeing the pleading look in my eyes.

“I owe you buddy.” I replied, he just smiled. They really are like my family. I love these dudes. I brushed my teeth and packed the toothbrush in the bag; just in case. I know I should really try to work out why I just threw up everything I’ve eaten today but I couldn’t bring myself to care. Besides, I felt so much better now.

We all met in the lobby, where Ryan led us to a taxi who already knew where we were going.

“The taxi driver finds out before me. I am offended Mr Tedder.” I complained playfully.

“Darling, everyone finds out before you.” He teased, giving me a soft kiss. I hate this man sometimes.

A/N - Please vote and comment guys :D Thanks for reading :P

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