Chapter 55 - Disney

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It was a 7 hour drive, or there about. Not including traffic or any other reason we might stop.

“I vote Disney marathon!” I exclaimed. We have been trying to make this decision for about 15 minutes, we were leaving in 10, but apparently we had to have planned every second of the journey.

“Seconded.” Susan agreed happily.

“I have no arguments.” Brent said. The other’s just nodded.

“It’ll be great! Get some sweets, crisps and soft drinks and it’ll be the best!” I told them happily. There was a shop just down the street from the hotel, Adam said he’d walk down with me.

“Gunna miss you little sis.” He admitted sadly.

“I’ll miss you too.” I pulled him into a one armed hug. “But, there’s got to be a time when we are in the same place again.” I comforted.

“You mean, you don’t know?” He asked, very confused.

“Know what?” This was strange, I thought about what Zach said at bowling.

“Must be a surprise.” He muttered. “Forget about it. Anyway, keep in touch.”

“Everyday.” I laughed.

“Every hour.” He teased. I would miss him, but apparently this ‘surprise’ will involve him. So it isn’t that bad. We walked around the shop, picking up a basket full of sweets and crisps and another basket for soft drinks. Brother Adam even paid for them.

“Adam, you can’t buy these. Let me give you the money, please.”

“Nope. My gift to you and the guys.” He refused. Asshole.

“Fine. Only ‘cause I love you.”

“You are one weird kid.” He laughed fondly.

“Thanks babe.” I laughed as we walked into the lobby. The guys were all stood there waiting.

“You took your time.” Ryan complained.

“Can’t wait for this 7 hour drive, a couple of minutes won’t hurt babe.” I pointed out.

“We ready to leave?” Danny asked.

“Sure.” We chorused, everyone said their goodbyes to Adam then it was to the bus.

We all got comfortable first, I was snuggled into Ryan’s side. Susan was next to me, on her other side was Brent. Eddie and Zach were on the floor, Drew was sat at the table. Danny, Mark and Glen had decided to stay in their own bus, at least for the first part of the journey.

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