Chapter 29 - Home Time

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“How are you feeling?” I asked Ry as we drove back. He’d been pretty quiet so far. The silence was killing me.

“Like I got hit by a car.” He answered quietly.

“Do you want some tablets?” I offered.

“No it’s not that bad. Just achy.” I think he just wanted to stay awake, I know he feels bad. I’m not sure why. I’ll ask when he’s healed up a bit.

“Okay. Just tell me if you change your mind. Everyone understands.”

“I know. What’s the plan for tonight then?” He asked.

“I’m not sure, a film? I’m down for going straight to bed.” I confessed. He laughed.

“I’ll have to talk to the guys for a bit. If you go up I can join you afterwards.” He replied.

“If you’re sure.” He nodded. I realised how tired I was now I wasn’t worrying about Ry every second of every day. I needed lots of sleep. “I’m glad you’re okay. I need you, I want you and I love you. Life would suck without you.” He kissed my head.

“I’m glad I’m okay. The thought of leaving you behind, leaving you on your own. It’s enough to kill me. Or bring me back.” I placed my head against his shoulder, just longing to be close to him.

What I didn’t expect to see when I walked in the house was Susan sat on Brent’s lap, he was whispering something I her ear. Just friends my ass.

“Hey Subo.” I greeted, she looked up blushing. Obviously embarrassed I had caught her and she hadn’t told me first. But, honestly, I wasn’t in a state to care either way.

“You know, after what happened we thought we should give it a go.” She confessed.

“I’m happy for you, you know that better than anyone.” She nodded, but refused to get up. I can’t blame her, with Ryan I never want to leave his side. “I’m going to bed, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” There were hugs all around, a kiss from Ryan.

“Love you babe, I’ll be up soon.” He said as I walked up the stairs. I heard Susan leave the house soon after, the guys were chatting away, their muffled voices carrying up the stairs. They talked for a good 15-30 minutes before I heard Ry come up the stairs. “Hey babe, thought you would be asleep.”

“Not without you hunny.” I pulled him into a hug after he was comfortable. I’m glad he was okay. That things were back to ‘normal’, or as normal as possible

I woke up to the Ryan whimpering and moaning; a nightmare. “Ry, baby. It’s just a dream.” I shook him and repeated it, he looked so lost and confused. His eyes full of sadness. “It’s okay.” I whispered against his skin. He just broke down, crying for what seemed liked hours, it made me upset to see him like that. “It’s gunna be okay.” I repeated. Eventually he cried himself to sleep.  I stayed awake for a while longer just to watch him, make sure he’s alright. We overlooked that, the effect a crash would have. I stupidly thought he would wake up and everything would return to normal. Just like magic. Of course he’s having nightmares, I just wish he didn’t have to deal with that.

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