Chapter 8 - The Show Must Go On

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A/N – There are lots of links to videos, you don’t need to watch them J I just wanted to give you an idea of what it was like in my head :D

I can’t believe she thinks I’ve planned this. She thinks I’m an angel, who knows everything about her and that we are perfect for each other. I mean we are, but I hadn’t planned this. I just couldn’t think of a better excuse. The guys are used to this by now, but if I tell her it was spur of the moment maybe she won’t see me the same. I mean I had planned a show for her, but a smaller one at her place. Invite friends and stuff and we can play outside her house. Not at a school. Jeez, I fucked this up. I’ll have to do that tomorrow instead. Focus on this now. She seems happy with the current plans, so I can stick with it.

“Babe, can you carry that guitar out for me?” I asked her.

“Sure Ry.” She basically skipped back to the field.

“Guys, I’m sorry about this. Usually I’d back out but-“

“She’s so happy. We know Ryan.” Brent interrupted.

“You’re not the only one who likes her you know.” Zach said shaking his head.

“I really love you guys sometimes.” Thank God they understand. I grabbed the last of our stuff and went out to help set up the sound. This could go amazingly well. Or crash and burn.


They were just checking the last few things with the equipment, the students and teachers had all got chairs. I set up benches for Ryan, because he loves to jump on things and run around bouncing. Me and my mates got to sit at the front, which is a bonus. “Your boyfriend is FIT.” Jess said, she was sat next to me, Susan was on the other side.

“I know he is.” I replied, I promised Susan I wouldn’t get into a fight. Especially not one about Ryan. So I didn’t say all the things I was thinking. Although, if I did I know she would back me up. She is a crazy loyal friend.

“Okay, listen up everyone.”  The place went silent, all eyes on Ryan. “We haven’t exactly done this before, so bear with us. Urm, we are here because of my beautiful girlfriend Amy. SO yeah, love ya Hun. No elephants. They were all booked, but I can sing a few songs.” He started strumming a song, then paused. “Actually maybe I can’t sing.” Zach groaned.

“Ryan play the guitar!” Zach said. “Don’t do it.”

“I’ve heard some people saying I can’t sing, I mean you are welcome to your opinion I don’t think I’m amazing. But there are some people wh think I can, those people are my income. So yeah, I love you guys. And sorry if you think I can’t sing. I have been singing at concerts for the last week. With like one day off. But…” I glanced at Emma and saw her face had turned a deep red. Ha!

“Ryan if you don’t begin making music I will beat you to death with this guitar. And I swear I will not share ANY cookies.” Zach threatened. Ryan just laughed. Okay imagine this pretty much outside J That’s song one, the song starts 2:48

As Ryan continued to talk, Zach just glared before deciding it would be so much easier to pull crazy faces and make me laugh. But somehow, he was prepared for the start of the song. Lucky shit.

“That was for my girl. One of her favourite live songs, so yeah. I’m gunna give Zach his little solo and then sing a song that hopefully everyone knows.” He jumped down to stand with me as Zach started to play. “I’m gunna go back up in a minute, but what do you think so far?”

“Amazing! Now shut up and watch your bestie.” I laughed and kissed his cheek before watching Zach again. Again. Outside and this is kinda what would have happened but not exactly the same :P The actual song starts at about 3:40

‘Counting Stars’ had everyone on their feet, singing and dancing or like Ryan bouncing and pretending that’s a dance. It was fun. “Okay. We are gunna relax a bit for the next two. So take a seat, hopefully you like these ones. I know Amy does. So, because this is for her these songs are ones I know or strongly suspects she likes.”

Beautiful. It really was. Some people looked like they were crying, I was close to it. “I don’t think you know why I wrote this. It’s about my friend who went to Afghanistan ‘cause of the war. He was shipped out two weeks after getting engaged. It’s from the perspective of his fiancé. So yeah. But, while I remember just clap this guy.” He pointed at Brent, “Our amazing cellist is the true star. I mean he’s gorgeous.” People clapped, cheered and laughed. “I just hope that this is right, I’m guessing it is. But hey, I’m an artist I don’t know shit.”

How the hell did he know? That is literally like my favourite version of that song and probably favourite mashup. He must have seen my smile. “I did something right then.” He winked at me. “Two classics to finish off. Then you guys are free.” He laughed. I knew what was coming up. Not great audio…. But Ryan looks gorgeous so it will do!

“Last song now. I hope you like it, I’m kinda hoping you like it too. It’s too late.” More evidence of Ryan greatness.

“Thanks!” He aid and jumped off stage. He pulled me into a warm embrace.

“You are the greatest boyfriend that has EVER existed. Ever.” He smiled, he looked embarrassed. I can’t have that. I kissed him. Not like a full on kiss. Just a quick kiss on the lips, but he was happy all the same. “That was amazing. You are amazing. This is amazing. We are amazing. A-MAZ-ING!”

“I love you.” He said.

“Let’s go home.” I replied with a smile.


“Tag along Susan. We are taking Ry’s bus.” Now he had to win over my Dad.

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