Chapter One Hundred and One

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A Couple Days Later

At Spoby's House

"Alright Marion, this is your home." Toby said happily as he unlocked the front door and he walked inside the house followed by Spencer who was holding their baby girl in her arms.

"Your Daddy built this house for us, what do you think of that baby girl?" Spencer said sweetly. "Well hopefully she thinks that her Daddy is awesome." Toby said smiling softly at them as he shut the front door. "Now you know she definitely thinks that, she's a total Daddy's girl, aren't you Marion?" Spencer said smiling at their daughter whose lips formed a small smile. "Yeah I know, and she loves you too." Toby said smiling before kissing his wife's forehead.

Just then Maggie barked happily and ran straight to Toby and he laughed and knelt down to her and she started licking his face as he pet her. "Has Krissy been taking good care of you?" Toby asked and Maggie responded by licking his face again making Spencer laugh, Kristina had been coming to the house the past couple days to feed Maggie, walk her, and play with her since Toby stayed at GH with Spencer and Marion. "I think she's just happy we're home, I'm just interested to see how she is with Marion." Spencer said and Toby nodded. "Yeah me too, I'm sure she'll be fine, especially considering how protective she was of you while you were pregnant." He said and Spencer nodded. "Yeah I know, you're probably right, but we'll see in a second." Spencer said as she walked over to the couch and sat down with Marion in her arms and then Toby followed her and sat on the couch next to her. "Come here Maggs." Toby said and Maggie ran over and jumped onto the couch and laid on Toby's lap and he held her gently.

"Okay Maggie, this is your new sister Marion, can you say hi? Be very gentle with her though." Toby said as he kept a gentle hold on Maggie who was very curious about the new baby, she sniffed Marion gently before softly licking her head making Marion laugh softly.

"Told you so." Toby said smiling at her. "Yeah you did, we're going to be just fine, our little family of four." Spencer said smiling back at him before leaning in to kiss him and Toby smiled into the kiss and kissed her back.

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"There's two of my favorite people." Sam said as she walked into the penthouse and saw Jason sitting on the couch holding Emily Scout in his arms, Jason smiled at his wife.

"Hey you, how'd the meeting with the new client go?" Jason asked her. "It went pretty good." Sam said as she walked over to the couch and sat next to him and then she kissed Emily Scout's forehead. "That's good, I guess you haven't heard from he who shall not be named." Jason said and Sam shook her head. "No I haven't, thank God, I would rather talk about a happier subject, like the fact that our oldest Daughter us finally home with her baby girl." Sam said smiling softly. "Absolutely, but one more thing about he who shall not be named, I'm meeting with Spinelli to talk strategies." Jason said and Sam nodded.

"Okay, I just need him to leave me alone, I haven't heard from him but that doesn't mean he's forgotten about me, he's just plotting his next move we all know that." Sam said before looking down at her hands. "Hey look at me, I am not not going to let Shiloh hurt you, I promise." Jason said with determination in his voice and Sam nodded. "I know you won't." She said. "So have you spoken with Spence?" Jason asked. "No not since before she was released from GH, I want to give them time to get Marion settled in at home before I call to check on them." Sam said and Jason nodded.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea." He said.

"It's still a little hard to believe that our baby girl now has her own baby girl." Sam said smiling softly. "I know, she's grown into a wonderful woman, and I know that her and Toby are going to be incredible parents." Jason said.

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