Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five

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Two Days Later

At Spoby's House

"Now this is definitely the right way to start the day." Spencer said smiling as she walked into the kitchen where Toby was feeding Marion her bottle, he looked up and smiled at her. 

"I agree, now get over here my beautiful wife." He said and Spencer smiled as she walked over to him and he kissed her. "Happy Anniversary." He said before kissing her forehead. "Happy Anniversary, you know I can't believe it's already been nine years since we first met." Spencer said as she ran her hand through his hair. "Yeah me either, you know I'll forever be grateful that you showed up on my doorstep to tutor me in French because you truly saved me when I needed it the most." Toby said smiling at her. "You saved me too, even if I was too stubborn to admit it for awhile." Spencer said and they both laughed softly. "Well we have been through quite a lot, but look at where we are now." Toby said as he looked down at Marion who was still happily drinking her bottle. "Yeah she is pretty special." Spencer said happily. "Just like her mother." Toby said smiling at her and she smiled back at him. "So, what's on our agenda for the day?" She asked him. "Well I was thinking that we could just stay here around the house, the four of us, and then for tonight I may have already called Chase and asked if he and Ali wouldn't mind watching Marion so that I can take my beautiful wife to dinner at The Metro Court." Toby said smiling at her. "That sounds pretty perfect." Spencer said smiling back at him. "Well I'm glad that you think so." Toby said happily. "So Chase and Ali are okay with watching Marion for us?" Spencer asked and Toby nodded. "Yeah they're fine with it." He said and Spencer nodded. "Okay, but until then how about after you put our little princess here down for a nap we go into the bedroom and do what we do best." Spencer said smirking at him. "Scrabble." Toby said smiling softly at her. "Of course, it's been awhile since we've played, and since I kicked your butt." Spencer said and Toby laughed softly. "Uh a little bit longer since that's happened babe." He said and Spencer playfully rolled her eyes. "Okay goofball, you just wait until I kick your butt again." She said. "We'll see about that." Toby said smiling at her before looking back down at Marion who was still drinking her bottle, Spencer smiled at them.

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"You're such a good little girl, aren't you Phoenix?" Sam said smiling down at Phoenix while she fed her a bottle. "How are two of my favorite girls doing?" Jason said as he walked through the door and Sam looked over and smiled at him. "Hey you, how are things at the warehouse?" She asked him. "They're good, Sonny sends his love." Jason said as he walked over and sat next to her and kissed her cheek and she smiled at him. "You know that we missed you." She said. "Yeah I kinda figured that because I missed you too." Jason said smiling softly at her. "You know it feels nice being this happy." Sam said smiling. "Yeah I know what you mean." Jason said smiling down at Phoenix. "You know what today is, don't you?" Sam asked and he nodded. "Yeah of course I do, like I could ever forget. The day that Spencer first met Toby when she went to tutor him in French." Jason said smiling softly. "Yup, wow I can't believe that it's been nine years since they first met." Sam said. "Yeah me either." Jason said. "And look at where they are now, living in their own house with their baby girl, our granddaughter." Sam said smiling at him before looking back down at Phoenix who was still drinking her bottle. "Yeah I know, I know that she's practically all grown up now but she's definitely always going to be our baby girl." Jason said. "Oh I know that, and so does Spence, but she certainly had become a great young woman hasn't she." Sam said smiling softly. "Yeah, just like her mother." Jason said smiling softly at her before kissing her and she kissed him back.


Kiki was standing at the Nurse's station looking up some patient records on the computer when Aria walked over to her. "Oh hey you." Kiki said smiling softly at her when she saw her. "Hey Kiki." Aria said smiling back at her. 

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