Chapter 1- Childhood memories

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It was a rainy day as usual if you're living or visiting the rainiest planet in the whole galaxy, Kamino. No, I don't live there, I live with my father in a base, I was in Kamino staying for two days with my bestfriend. He had curly black hair, his eyes were brown and his skin was tan, I could honestly say he was cute, I kinda had a little crush on him that he never knew because I didn't really have the courage to tell him. As for myself, I was a warm skin girl with long brown hair and as for my eyes, they were also brown, I was also a year younger than him, he was 10 and I was 9 years old.

That day my friend was teaching me to speak this language which I thought was really cool and so I was always asking him if he could teach me since he knows a few words thanks to his father.

"Ok Kira, I'm going to ask you something really easy and if you know what i'm asking then answer, if you don't know then don't worry, okay?" He said with a calm tone while he crosses his legs.

I smile excitedly and nod, indicating the boy that he can proceed to ask me the question. With that, the curly haired boy inhales a bit before speaking. "Su cuy'gar, me'ven?'s gar gai?" His accent was on point but I knew what he was saying and asking, so I smirk a bit and spoke "hi, my name is Kira" The boy nods proudly before saying something else "Me'ven? Is gar favorite sal? Vaabir gar guuror vorpan?" He grins a bit at the end of his question, I giggled a bit before responding "my favorite color is purple and-" I cut myself off with another giggle before adding "and yes, I do also like green"

The boy smiles "okay like I said, those were the easiest questions I could come up with, ready for the hard ones" I was a bit nervous but ready at the same time, so I nod with a rather determined look, he nods back and that's when he spoke "Talking mando isn't pakod, al boba olar will ratiin gaa'taylir gar" there was this look that he gave me, probably thought that I didn't understood, but I did. "Thanks boba" I smile. Boba looked a bit surprised but proud at the fact that im getting better at understanding the language. "I'm so proud of you Kira, but, do you think you can talk mando?" He tilts his head a bit with a brow raised, thats when I gulped nervously at the idea of it, sure I did understand some things but My accent was really not the best. "I-I um...I don't-" I got cut off by his hand suddenly being placed on top of mine, I looked at the boy who had a I believe in you look on his face.

"Don't worry Kira, i'll help you okay?" His reassurance really helped me calm a little bit "okay" I finally said as I then start to think of something while still being nervous but couldn't think of anything out of luck. Boba removed his hand from the top of mine and placed it under my chin, gently lifting my face to look at him before letting go and starts to make signs with his hands, I tilt my face confused at his actions but I then understood what he was trying to do but I still couldn't find the right words in the mando language to say them, that's when I sighed in frustration and gave up "i'm sorry boba, I just can't find the right words to say it" frustration dripped out of my mouth as boba just sat there in front of me, looking at me before he places his hand under my chin again to make me look at him "don't give up Kira, you're the smartest girl I know, I know you can do it, It just takes a lot of practice" he smiles warmly before standing up and walking to somewhere.

I was alone in the living room, looking outside the windows at the rainy skies before I heard a knock at the door, thats when I turned and saw boba looking at me and then turns around to stare at the door. "Is your dad expecting anyone?" I asked, making my way towards the clueless boy who shakes his head to a no "I don't think so" he looks back at the door as he puts something inside his pockets before calling his father.

Jango comes out of his room and tells us to stay in the living room as he walks closer to the door and opens it revealing a man with a beard and a brown cloak, I frowned my brows a bit and looked over at boba "is he a jedi?" I whispered only to get a slow unsure nod from him "I think so, I never seen one this close tho" boba answers as we both then listen to Jango's and the Jedi's conversation, thats when Jango spoke to boba in the mandalorian language "Boba, gedet'ye gebi te yamika ti ner mando beskar'gam" boba nods before taking a glance at the jedi and walking towards the room where jango kept his armor and closing it.

I was unsure of what to do and it was kinda awkward to stand almost in front of jango and the jedi, listening to their conversation, thats when boba made a sound with his mouth, calling me over to him so we give them a little more privacy. It wasn't long that the jedi left, leaving jango with a insecure/ questionable look on his face, boba looks at the front door that was closed and then at his father "what's going on dad?" Jango snaps out from his thoughts and looked at both of us "boba, kira, pack your things, we're leaving" boba and I looked at each other clearly confused as jango walked to his room, but we decided not to waste any time and did as told.


After talking to jango fett, the jedi returns to his ship where he had his droid waiting patiently for him "R4, can you please contact windu for me?" He asked a bit loud because of his rain, also covering his face and clothing to prevent getting drenched but it was no use. The droid responded as it would get signal to contact windu and yoda. "I sucessfully made contact with the prime minister of Kamino, they are using a bounty hunter, the assasin we are looking for, called jango fett to create this clones" yoda seemed to think for a bit as the jedi would then add "the girl we are looking for is with him" windu would look at yoda as yoda would then look at the jedi's hologram "you must get the girl fast, time we cannot loose"


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