Who Am I?

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Slipping on my gloves, I used my pin sized flashlight and went to work on cracking this safe. Listening intently to ever click, I had it opened in no time. Peeking inside I smiled. "Payday" I cheered softly as not to be heard.

Picking up my empty designer bag, I begin to shovel stacks of cash into it. Once it was all swiped clean, I tied the bag up securely, pulled my shades down into my face and slipped out the door as sleek as I had entered. Poor Tony, dumb guy. I had been seeing him on occasion over the course of several month's. Tony was a architect who has designed some of the most outstanding buildings the world over.

Tony was too easy to swindle. I had the luck of meeting him at a art show. I purposely place myself in these extravagant functions in hopes of snagging my next meal ticket. I introduced myself to him as Ruby Johnson and I had him wrapped around my finger in no time. However i wasn't my natural red headed self that night. Whenever I'm on the hunt I change my entire outlook and name. This particular night I chose to wear my short blonde wig and blue contacts. Never do I reveal my true identity to anyone. Yes, it is a lonely life at time's but it supports me.

Stepping into my fancy apartment building in Las Vegas, I rode the elevator up to my top floor pent house. That's right, I took big time. Originally from Kentucky, I headed out to Vegas two year's ago to aspire bigger aspirations and let me tell you, Vegas is a Holy ground for all of the hotshots. With all of the casinos dotted the sidewalks it's a hotbed for the rich.

Once I had my door closed, I pulled the wig off of my head and let my red waves tumble down my back. Giving my head a good shake to loosen the curls, I went to my own safe located behind my favorite painting. Opening the safe, I placed my newfound money into it along with the multiple stacks of cash that was already there. That's right, I've made a killing in Vegas since I've been here. I could quit now and live happily ever with all  the dough I've accumulated.

Stripping from my glitzy dress and heels, I slipped into something more comfortable and poured myself a glass of champagne. A toast to me, the real me that no one knows.... Frankie Knight.

That's right, my mom named me after my father whom by the way I've never met. The sleeze skipped town as soon as he learned about me but my mom was no better. Different men filtered in and out of our home and most were mean drunks like my mom. Most of the time I hid outside under our porch for safety. I'll never forget the night I lost my mom though. I had just turned ten and crawled from under the porch when I heard my mom screaming. Peeking through the window I saw her current boyfriend pushing her around. I watched on in horror as he removed a gun from his waistband and unloaded on my mother. Fear stricken, I hurried back under the porch and cried silently. I stayed there for nearly three day's as my mom laid dead inside. I knew I should have went for help but my ten year old mind was traumatized. I was scared if I came out from my hiding spot her boyfriend would kill me to. Eventually my school sent out social services due to my many absences and they discovered my mom's body.

From there I was shuffled into the system. I was bounced from one home to the next but never stayed long enough to create any bond's with the families. I'll never forget the moment I meet the Morris family. I was sitting in my social workers office when a plump lady and slender man entered. Sweetness radiated from both of their faces and for the first time I felt like I had finally found my forever family..... Boy was I wrong.

Soon as I entered their home the act was gone. The house was filthy and three more foster children stayed here. Long story short, they wasn't interested in us kid's, they were interested in the checks they collected off of us. It wasn't long before they had us enter store's and steal item's that they wished for. I guess you could say I started my life of crime at a early age. I came up with creative ways to steal and even begin taking things for myself and foster siblings. However i despised the Morris's and what they forced us to do. Once I turned eighteen I left out for Vegas.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now