The Gist Of It

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Hello my happy reader's!!

First off I want to say that I'm loving everyone's comments on the Laney and Alice situation!! It's got you all fired up!!

I've had many questions and concerns about it so I'm going to answer them here instead of writing repetitive responses. I did read everyone's comments and saw alot of great point's and opinions!! I'll kick it off by saying....

It is hard to see the Laney we love and know act as the villain. This isn't her and we don't like it! So I'll try to explain it better here and resolve worries without giving anything away! Remember if I don't answer a question fully there is a reason for it! Feel free to ask questions and if I can, I will answer them!

1. Laney always finds the answers for herself instead of believing what others say?....
That is very true normally but keep in mind what she has been through. She was shot multiple time's. Been away from London and the family for quite awhile. Her only support has been Marcus, Cinda and Jax who have been filling her head with garbage (brainwashing). She has been told all of these seedy details about her family and husband. She's always viewed Marcus and the other's as family and trustworthy. Every time they try and convince her that London is after her to kill her, London does something to prove it... launches a attack, kills Jax, captures Marcus. Cinda whisk her away to "save" her and the funeral home they stayed was blown up without searching for her first. So in Laney's eye's their claims seem true. She doesn't know that London presumes her dead. She doesn't know what we know.

2. Still, Laney always finds out for herself?...

True! And how do we know that she hasn't got a different plan under her sleeve?? Remember she is impulsive, sneaky and always a step ahead!

3. How can she be so mean to Alice?

Well Laney sees a open door and not steps in but barges. She knows that Alice is weak and vulnerable right now from coming out of a divorce and being burned by a Harper man as herself. What better alliance to have than another woman scorned?? Someone that deep down wants revenge on a Harper man. Laney sees this and jumps at the opportunity. The question is will Alice do it? Does she even have a choice? Will she go to the Harper's and blab? Or is she deathly terrified of Laney and what will happen if she doesn't comply?

4. Where is Mizery??

Well she's finally found her place with Aiden and they are probably keeping the sheets smoking as most new couples do!! Yes, you will be hearing from her as well as other old characters!!

5. Does London know it's Laney and will he get to her in time?

I think it's safe to say that he wants it to be Laney. No, he isn't 100% sure but his heart wants it to be. Basically his mind is battling with truth and reality. He knows she's dead but what if?? That's why he refuses to tell the other's. He doesn't want to seem crazy or get false hope's up in case it isn't her.

6. Laney is going to cause a war. She's going to ruin the family and bring the Empire down?

That's a big possibility! Laney wants a war but with who?? She's hurt, confused,  mad as hell and wants to rattle some chains. However one of my reader's commented. "Laney can destroy a Empire but rebuild it just as quickly".... no truer word's! Credit to whomever wrote that! ( I can't remember)

7. This isn't Laney. Is a little part of her still in there? London is the only one that can really reach her?

Well we will have to continue to read to find out!

True,  London has always been the only person that can get to Laney. She is strong willed, stubborn,  impulsive and hates to take orders but London is the only person that she will submit to, give control to,  bow down to... will she bow down to her King once again? Will she surrender all control to him again? Will he own her again?

Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope your questions have been answered!

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