Coming To Terms

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This is a split chapter. If there's any confusion or questions feel free to ask!

"Who was you on the phone with baby doll?" I heard his voice coming from the doorway.

Jumping at the sound of his voice, I jerked my head to the side and muttered. "Shit".

Standing up I placed a sweet smile on my face and approached him. "Just Ela". I replied quickly.

London glanced at his watch attached to his wrist. "Ela? At three in the morning" .

"Yes. She's been having trouble sleeping" . I said placing a kiss to his chin.

Feigning a yawn, I continued. "But I'll tell you who is sleepy... Me. Let's go to bed baby".

As I went to exit the door London quickly blocked my path and fixed his dark, intimidating stare on me. "So if I look at your phone I'll see Ela's number on there?"

" Of course silly. Now let's go.... "

"Let me see your phone Laney Harper" . London demanded.

"Really? After all of these year's you don't trust me?" I asked pretending to be hurt.

" Its because I have known you all of these year's that I'm asking for your phone baby doll. You're up to something. Hand it over".

Backing up a few steps, I swiped my finger across the screen and brought up my call logs. As I was doing so I rattled on about how ridiculous he was being in hopes of keeping his watchful eye's off of my sneaky fingers. No such luck with him. "If you delete the call log I will break every knuckle in each of your fingers".

Staring at him in defiance I remained mute. Filled with irritation, London clapped his hands together locked the door using his key. Next he strode behind his desk and took a seat. "I suggest you sit baby doll while you can, oh and keep your phone. I can look everything up right here. It's amazing the thing's one can do these day's" .

Welp, I was busted that's for sure. Yea, I could go ahead and tell London what I had done but then I wouldn't get the satisfaction of watching him have to wade through the computer to find the information he seeked. Settling back in the chair across the desk from him, I folded my arm's and smirked. London replied back with his own little adorable smartass smirk.

Time trickled by as he searched. All too soon he stood up and came around to my side of the desk. Perching his rear on the lip of his desk, he crossed his arm's and glared down at me. "Look up at me baby doll". He insisted in a dark mood.

Judging by his tone I knew now wasn't the time for game's so I did as he asked. "Aozor. What was my wife  doing on the phone with this man at this late hour?" London boomed.

Rolling my eye's at his assumption, I couldn't contain myself. "Phone sex. It was all.for the phone sex London. One-eight hundred blow me".

Naturally this only further infuriated London and he bent down in my face. "You better have one hell of an explanation Laney. I overlooked your involvement with this man when you ran off to Egypt. I thanked him for lending his protection to you and I delivered the drugs promptly. So why are you still in contact with him?"

" Jesus Christ London. It's for King. I had Arozo contact King and tell him about Frankie".

"You wasn't suppose to do that. By doing so the contract Frankie signed isn't shit".

" But I didn't do it London. I didn't spill the beans. I had Arozo do it. So technically I didn't break the contract. "

"Can't you ever just leave well enough alone?" London accused .

"Not when it comes to my children. King needs to know that she's alive, that he has a child.."

London cut me off. "I thought you said that she miscarried" .

"I did but I wanted to make sure. I had those doctor's reasearched. They don't exsist. Frankie lied to keep us away, to keep the child safe from us in her mind. I had Arozo place the call to King. He was just calling me back to inform me that the job has been done. Come on London, King needs to know. He's slowly killing himself over his grief drink by drink." .

"I can't argue that Laney but I hope you are prepared for the storm that's to come" .

"Already boarding up the windows" . I smiled and London finally laughed.

Finally he unlocked the door to his office and allowed me to pass first. As I breezed by him he grabbed a handful of my ass and whispered in a threatening tone. "Never contact Arozo again. Come to me first and let me handle it. What is mine is mine".

Smiling at his obvious jealous threat I purred. "Understood daddy".


Here it was nearing midnight and I was seated at my usual spot at the bar. It was Monday so most of the guests had already left except for a couple here or there. It's been there day's since I picked up that phone and I'm still at a loss. Was it a prank? Or was it true? But if it was true who would know,better yet who would want me to know? Maybe tomorrow I'll look into it if my fear doesn't hold me back. I don't want to think that Frankie is alive only for it to be a prank or trap. It would feel like losing her all over again but then if I do discover that she is alive how would I react. My anger would be at an all time high for being deceived and lied to about my child. There's no telling what I might do. In the mean time I'm going to order another drink and try to wash the charred image away that's sitting beside me staring at me with those taunting eye's. "I'm not Alive King. Remember you killed me... Or could I be alive. You'll never know because your a weak drunk. Come find me King of you dare". And just like that the image vanished as a familiar voice filled the space.

" Don't you think you've had enough? "

Demarco slid into the seat that the image recently occupied. "Don't think I've had enough to be honest. What brings you here?"

Ordering himself a drink he grumbled. "Business with Aiden".

" Anything I should be aware of? "

"Nope. This is dealing with a spot of land that he owns in Brazil. I'd like to purchase some of it and build a nice retreat home there for Sam. Her birthday is coming up and I thought it would be a nice gift".

I eyed him curiously. "Everything okay?"

" Hell I guess, really don't know. The last few year's has been rough on us and I'm guilty of not spending as much time with her or the kid's. Sam's grown distant and Duel is driving us crazy. He's at mom's home in Alabama being watched like a baby. It's the only way I know how to keep him alive".

"The boy is wild". I agreed.

Demarco switched the topic from him to me. "You need to sober up and go find Frankie and your child".

Looking at him stunned I belted out. "What do you know?"

" Its true King. Frankie didn't perish and you have mom to thank for figuring this out. Now I'm going to head to bed but I'll leave you with this... When you are ready I'm here to join you, we all are".

Demarco laid a few bill's down and left me with my thoughts. Everyone knew. It wasn't a prank or a trap. My anger begin to flare and I raced to my room. Tomorrow the war begins.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now