Drive Me To Drink 3

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Still asleep I felt the bed move. Cracking my eye's open into barely slits, I saw Miri getting up. Assuming she was getting ready for the day ahead I snuggled my head back into my pillow. At least this wouldn't be a fight and she accepted her punishment.

Waking again I glanced at the clock and saw that it was a few minutes after five. I laid there for a few minutes to completely wake up before rising. Funny thing was I heard the television on in the living room. Getting on up I went to turn it off but found Miri sitting on her couch laughing at some show while spooning cereal into her mouth. Sneaking up behind her, I lightly popped her on the back of the head. "The fuck you still doing here? It's after five and your still in your gown. Get dressed and go now".

" Olive". She whined in such Miri baby girl fashion.

"Nope. You do the crime, you do the time. Get moving".

" But Olive I'm not feeling to well. I'll go tomorrow okay baby". She pouted.

Trust me, I have dealt with this spoiled girl for a lifetime. I knew exactly what she was doing. Miri was trying to be all sweet and playing the pity role in hope's of me giving in like I have so many time's before. "Sorry. Not this time baby girl. Not going to work. Let's go".

Miri gave a little huff and trotted off to the kitchen as I followed. Instead of placing her bowl in the sink she begin to pour more cereal. Turning toward me she pretended to accidentally spill milk down the front of her mostly sheer gown. The coolness of the milk made her nipples react as I could now see right through the material. "Oops Cole, I spilled my milk. Want to help me clean it up".

I clearly seen what she was up. Miri thought she could change my mind by offering sex... Dirty sex. Fuccckkk.... I'm inbetween a rock and a very hard place. Baby girl was looking mighty good and naughty right now. Fuccckkk... I want to spank her but I've got to remain firm. "You have work to do. Go".

" Whoops, I spilled more milk. Clumsy me. I really do need someone to help clean me up possibly with their tongue ". She purred and batted those bedroom eye's.

I watched the milk trickle along her breast and my tongue licked my lips of their own accord. Okay, I can do this. I can wax her ass and still send her to work. Hell, it won't be the first time that I banged her and left her, I did that a lot when we were teen's. Not that I'm proud of that but I can't pass up baby girls invitation. Snapping my fingers, I pointed to the spot in front of me. "Get over here now Mirimosa".

That familiar victory grin spread across her face as she warned. "I scratch and bite".

I grinned myself and promised. "You'll crawl and beg too".

Miri begin to slowly walk towards me in such a sexy way. Once in front of me I placed my hand around the back of her neck and roughly brought her to me. As I slammed my mouth down upon hers my hand kneaded her breast. Working my way down her neck I begin to lap up the milk that clung to her tits like a kitten.... A very aggressive kitten.

Wasting no time at all because she was already late, I tossed her up on the kitchen counter and slammed into her immediately. Yes, I would have loved to played a bit longer but she needs to report to the Den soon. Miri cried out as I hammered into her "Olive please. More. Don't stop".

Smiling, I picked her up and bent her over the kitchen island and pumped back into her. Gripping her hair I jerked her head back and tilted her face so she could see me. "I promised that you would beg baby girl. Now push that ass back on me".

Continuing to keep her head bent at this angle so we could look into each other's eye's I growled. "Who the fuck do you belong to?"

Miri moaned out my name and I sank my teeth into her shoulder leaving my mark. This only made her cry out louder. We both exploded simultaneously and I leaned down against her back winded. Once restored, I stood up and smacked her bottom. "Go clean up so I can get you to the Den".

As if I had splashed cold water on her, Miri jerked up and looked at me with her jaw hung open. "Olive you have to cuddle me now. We always cuddle afterwards".

True, Miri was a cuddler and I always held her afterwards and placed random tender kisses along her arm's and shoulders but not this time. "I said to get ready" .

"Cuddles Cole". Miri demanded stomping her foot.

" You have ten minutes to get ready. Stop pouting, you'll love without the cuddles. Besides it's not like I've never fucked you and left you before ". I added for an extra sting.

Surprise filled Miri's face at having me remind her of our first time together. Yes, back then I was a douche and kinda just slept with Miri just to get a piece of her. In the end it ultimately hurt Miri badly and I regret it to this day. Hurt filled her eye's as she nearly whispered. "I can't believe you just said that".

" Well I did. It was just a fuck, just like what we did now. Nothing more, nothing less. " I said without a care.

Tears sprang from her eye's and she fled from the room. Yes, I hated doing that but what she did was so irresponsible. Considering I didn't allow my crazy to come out like I wanted to I think I did good.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now