Making Of A Queen

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My heart was beating rapidly as we walked through the doors that may hold the answers to Frankie's past life. Part of me wanted to jerk her away and spill what I knew and the other part hoped that this place had no info to give. Ironic isn't it, I've stared death in the face many time's and not so much as flinched, but being in this situation right now knowing that if Frankie discovered the truth I could lose her sent fear spearing my body.

My thoughts buzzed so loudly that I didn't hear the word's that Frankie and the receptionist exchanged. I didn't comprehend anything until we were seated in a spacious yet mostly empty office. A few certificates hung crooked on the wall and the scarred, outdated furniture could use a good shinning. It wasn't long before an lady appearing to be in her non-profits joined us. Her frosted hair was teased to the limits and the bright pink lipstick she wore was smudged over her top lip. Thick rimmed glasses perched low on her nose and the dress she adorned could have been ripped from any old lady's closet. The dark makeup she wore only deepened the growing wrinkles on her face and gave her a frigid look. The cheap, strong perfume she had on burned my nostrils and did nothing to cover up the fact that she had recently smoked a cigarette. However through all of this she presented us with a warm smile and greeting that proved my assumptions wrong. "Hi. I'm Mrs. Molly, director of Timberlyn County Child Services. How can I help you two lovely individuals?"

Frankie fiddled with her hands as she tried to think of where to begin. Clearing her throat she spoke. "Mrs. Molly, I once was a child of your system" . She stated sliding proof of documentation toward her.

Molly looked the paper's over then smiled as she repeated Frankie's name. "Yes dear, I remember you. I was only a case worker at the time of your residency here... Much younger and slimmer too might I add". She said with a chuckle.

Frankie gave a uneasy smile and continued. "I'm searching for my birth parent's and answers. I was hoping you could help me?"

Mrs. Molly sat up a bit and gave Frankie a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry dear but  the agency isn't allowed to share such information to protect the right's of the biological parent's. However there may be a loophole. If your biological parent's signed a consent stating that if you inquired about them it would okay to pass the information on. Give me a moment to look into your files".

Mrs. Molly left the room and I could see the glimmer of that lit Frankie's eye's. Even though I was going through my own turmoil my heart felt for her. Giving her hand an encouraging squeeze, I wished thing's could be different from her. Several moment's passed before Mrs. Molly returned with a bleak look. Taking her seat, she smiled sadly. "I'm sorry my dear but the files are sealed under FBI protection. My hands are tied".

" FBI protection? " Frankie questioned confused.

"Yes. This happens only if there has been some sort of investigation that hasn't been solved. Once the investigation has been resolved the files will be returned to us".

I guess Mrs. Molly saw the worry that etched Frankie's face and patted her hand. "This doesn't necessarily mean something bad has happened, it could just be a simple investigation on something minor".

Frankie nodded her understanding then asked. "Could I contact the FBI agency for information?"

" That could very well be a start and maybe they can help you".

Frankie thanked Mrs. Molly for her time and begin to stand but Mrs. Molly stopped her. "I hope you find your answers soon my dear and may I ask how you're doing in life?"

Frankie gave a weak smile and I knew she was trying her best not to fall apart at having came to a dead end. "I'm doing well for myself" .

Mrs. Molly beamed. "That is lovely. I love hearing when our residents succeed in life. I've seen so many lose their way and fall into the cracks of the system. I'm proud of you dear".

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