You Again

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Scrambling up off of my quickly brusing behind, I spoke frantically. "Not now King. I've really got to get out of here and fast".

King bore down on me with those relentless eye's. It wasn't long before he spotted the wallet I was holding. "Hand it over". He demanded in a cool, controlling voice.

Instantly I recalled what this wallet contained... My ticket to getting myself out of this mess. Tucking the wallet behind my back, I shook my head. "I can't do that".

Without blinking, he spoke in that controlling manner once more. "Hand it to me now. I want ask again".

Slowly I backed away still securing the wallet behind my back. My eye's darted around the narrow hall looking for a possible escape route. Just as I was about to make a run for it, King moved like the wind and had me pressed against the wall with my hands behind my back. Using pressure on my wrists, he pried the wallet from me. I spun around trying to grab it but he held it up above my reach. "What do we have here?"

" None of your business, that's what". I exploded.

King ignored me and flipped the wallet open going through the contents. His eyebrows arched at what he discovered. "So this is how you do it, huh?" This is how you make your living? By robbing rich, unsuspecting men? You chose the wrong one when you chose me" .

"I didn't choose you. You made me do it". I hissed.

" Oh, that's right. I twisted your arm and made you Rob me. How could I be so forgetful. Tell me Frankie, or is it Ashton tonight? "

Before I could reply the hotel door swung open and out stepped my newest victim. "Angelica, what's going on?" The half naked man bellowed.

King grinned. "So it's Angelica this time?"

" oh save it King". I snapped then turned my attention to my victim. "This is just a misunderstanding. Go back into the room and I'll join you in a moment".

King held the wallet up. "Does this look like a misunderstanding? You was about to lose it all to this witch".

The man's face grew red from anger as he snarled in my direction. "I'm calling hotel security right now you thieving bitch".

The man started for the door but King quickly followed in behind him. I froze as I heard the click of a gun. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." .

The man stopped as fear marred his face. "Look, I haven't done anything. Just give me my wallet and go and I'll forget this entire thing".

King grinned that scary grin. "If only it were that easy. You see Angelica has gotten you into somewhat of an predicament. You know our faces now. As soon as we leave you'll alert the authorities." .

"No, I want. I swear". The man pleaded.

King laughed. "Of course you will."

Removing a white cloth from his breast pocket, he wiped the wallet down then tossed it to him. "Today is your lucky day. I'm not going to kill you, well not with my gun anyways. This is Vegas. Do you know how many people overdose from partying hard here every year? You'll just be another statistic. Poor man, hit the jackpot and put all his winnings up his nose. Drank it away on booze and prostitutes".

King snapped his fingers and one of his men supplied a small, black, leather bag. He opened it and retrieved a pair of black, leather gloves. Motioning to his men, they brought over a block of cocaine. I watched on in horror as he sliced the bag open and poured a generous amount onto the table. The other men begin to douse the man down with liqueur as he babbled. King gripped the back of the man's head and forced his face into the mountain of cocaine. "Snort up pig".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now