And In They Came

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After my talk with Demarco I decided to give my mother a call. Eventually she told me everything I needed to know concerning Frankie and by the next morning I had a huge unit of men assembled. Not only my men but my family as well along with their men. I would be going into Egypt strong and deep.

Mother informed me that Frankie had a large amount of men as well as security but I assured her that they wouldn't stand a chance. For the first time in Harper history I would make an entire Empire fold within minutes. Frankie and her poor leeches didn't know what was about to hit them.

By that evening my family had all flew in and we were piecing together our game plan. As usual Demarco was trying to call the shots but this was my problem, my mission and my child involved so I quickly overruled him and put my foot down. Of course he didn't like this, being shut down by baby brother but in the end he stepped off and understood my need to be in control of the situation. As the multiple jets touched ground in Egypt I reminded everyone for the thousandth time to be careful where my son was concerned and I am to deal with Frankie.

We waited until after midnight to approach the little fortress that Frankie had built for herself. Using high powered binoculars we scoped out the layout of the property. A quick estimation brought us to the conclusion that nearly fifty men guarded the front gate while around forty more swamped the back and sides. Seeing what exactly awaited us on the inside was a different story, for the windows were sealed up. We would be going in blind but go in we would. I'm almost certain that Frankie learned a valuable lesson when my mother attacked... Always have a set of men to stay back and guard the inside. No way would all of them rush outdoors when the war started.

Moment's later we all took our places as we awaited for Cole's grand entrance. As always he insisted on heading this thing off and posing as a distraction. Thankfully a dense fog had settled over the land which would aid us in our ambush. Wearing all black the fog would swallow us making us barely visible.

Everything else begin to come fast as soon as we saw Cole's line figure approach the guard's at the gates. Miri mumbled a small prayer as she watched her husband talk to the men as Mizery kept her gun aimed at the man's head, we all did just in case this backfired and we needed to get Cole out of there. Cole wore a threadbare cloak and pretended to be a poor, hungry, cold begger. Through our connected earpieces we could hear Cole speak and Demarco shook his head and stifled a laugh. "Twenty dollars, sucky, sucky".

The guard cursed at him and shoved him back but Cole staggered back up to him. "You ashamed because you suffer from little pee pee problem. Okay, ten dollars, sucky, sucky".

The guard raised his hand as if getting ready to deliver a blow to Cole. Cole crouched down in fake fear only to send a bullet through the guard's chin. That was our cue and the war began. Before the now dead guard could hit the ground Pape along with CJ and Sire tossed tear gas down below rendering the remainder of the guard's helpless. Rushing from our hideout with gas masks on we passed through the gates without a hitch. However once inside we were greeted with the fifty men. Bullets begin to pelt out in every direction as men on both sides fell. Still, they was far outnumbered and we kept pushing forward. By the time we made it to the door the smell of blood and sulfer filled the air. Not wasting a second I kicked in the door and stepped in firing off my gun and belting out. "Honey I'm home".


The day had been long so I called it an early night. By ten p.m. I was sound asleep but my peace didn't last for long. Sometime after midnight I was awoken by my men screaming at me to get up, that we were under attack. As I bolted from bed the sound of gunfire could be heard coming from the front of my property. "Rize". I screamed and without shoes or my robe, I flew from my room.

By the time I reached his room his nanny was already there. "Quick, the hidden room".

Ripping a now squaling Rize from her arm's, I ran to the nursery and along with three men the nanny and I hunkered down in the secret hideout. Soon the gunfire died away and there was nothing but silence. Was it over? Did my men ward the attacker off? Was my men even still alive? All my questions soon were answered as I could hear the front door caving in. A sickness settled in my stomach as gunfire resumed and I heard a loud, booming voice above it all but couldn't make out the word's shouted. My men snapped me out of it by saying. "We must go help. You run down the hall and get to the back door and keep running".

My mind was screaming no, it's safer staying put but my nerves made me confused so I did as he said. Seconds later with Rize in my arm's and the nanny by my side we ran like mad down the hall. Bullets could be heard slamming into wall's, vases, anything. Screams of pain echoed up through the rafters and the smell of blood was growing stronger. The back door was in my sight which pushed me to run faster. We was almost there when I felt something warm and sticky splash my face. Glancing over I saw the nanny fall dead missing the back of her head. I tried to scream but nothing came out, nothing but a silent, terror filled gasp of air. Knowing that I must continue on, I slung the door open and skittered down the stairs. Spotting my garage and not knowing what else to do, I made a dash for it. Instead of going inside, I hunkered down in a dense row of bushes that boarded the side of the garage. In an effort to stop Rize from crying, I removed my breast from the thin gown I wore and fed him. When thing's seemed safer I would make a run to the small patch of tree's several feet away and escape to the city. In the meantime I tried not to think of the nanny's blood, tissue and brain matter clinging to the side of my face.

Looking up toward my home I caught sight of one of my men in the windows. It was obvious that he was injured but what shocked me most was his assailant..... Mizery. Mizery... The Harper's. The Harper's are here.... But the contract.... King... Is King... Here...

My mind went numb and I was utterly frozen. I watched in horror through the window as my man seemed to be terrified as Mizery stalked toward him with a grin. I watched as she viciously murdered him. I must go now. Not waiting any longer, I crept from the bushes and inched my way towards the trees. Rize was still feeding as he lightly dozed now. My foot had just touched the entrance of the woods when something wrapped around my waist. Looking down I saw that it was a rope and I was being pulled backwards. It all happened so fast, a black sack was placed over my head and I could see nothing. However Rize still remained in my arm's as I was being hauled away to where I don't know nor do I know what fate awaits me. Soon I was plopped down rather roughly on a cool, hard surface that I believe may be the stone floor in my entrance hall. A voice filled with poison penetrated the room. "So you thought you could build an Empire little girl? You thought you could escape me, a Harper?" Then a vile laugh followed afterwards .

"King". I barely whispered in shock as I held Rize tighter to me.

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