Conversation Starter

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Hello my loves!!

Yea it's been awhile and I'm sorry for the slow updates but I promise you'll thank me later!!

Okay, I lied.... well not entirely. Perhaps I just fudged a tiny bit! Yes, I know I claimed that I was busy with the oncoming holidays but that wasn't entirely true! You see, I've been working on a Christmas present for all of you! Even if you don't celebrate you're getting this present damn it!! And you're going to like it damn it!!❤😂

So if my updates are slow please understand that I'm working on this project very hard in Hope's of delivering it to you by Christmas day!! I'm still here and writing!

Now for the fun topic.... and please be 18 before reading or at least mature enough to understand.

There's been something I've wanted to address... nothing bad, it's all in fun! I finally got the question I've been waiting for Thanks for asking that, you know who you are!!

I'm also sure that many of you have wondered this but never voiced it so here goes!

We all know that Laney and London are up in age. Many wonder how Laney  can still be so freaking hot and how they can perform such bedroom activities ☺️

Well here's the most logic answer...
Take a look at female celebrities who are in their 50's and 60's and still are stunning! Jennifer Aniston,  Jennifer Lopez,  Christy Brinkley and so on. They are all older but still just as gorgeous! Of course we mostly know this isn't natural. What it boils down to is this... good health, good genes and having the money to take care of yourself.... and probably going under the knife!

Now I'm not saying that Laney has had surgical procedures done but I'll let you decide🤐🤣

As for the bird's and the bee's well... and for you younger one's may pass out from this bit of info... but just because you're old doesn't mean you stop having sex!!! And it doesn't mean that sex is boring or vanilla.

In fact the older you get the better it is well because..

1. You grow comfortable with your body
2. You know exactly what you like and want and are not afraid or embarrassed to ask for it or just go get it yourself!
3. Mostly by this time you've been with the same partner for awhile and know each other's triggers!

With that said sex isn't what a relationship is all about but I'll admit it... it is a big part! When you've been with the same partner for awhile you've got to keep it fresh, spontaneous and spicy! Never stop flirting, complimenting or chasing your other half!!

And this is exactly what Laney and London do!! The teasing, playing, romance and even their heated arguments! Even though they have swore to kill the other at least a dozen times, chased each other they love it. It fucking turns them on so much and this is truly what makes their bond so strong. That epic tale of cat and mouse!!

London loves to stalk her and make this powerful lady submit. While Laney loves being chased by this monster and outsmarting him but secretly loves to submit to him and only him!!

Now here's another answer for you... why do young men fawn over Laney?? Well as I stated above older women can still be attractive, mysterious and forbidden! All of us women can no matter age! You younger one's remember that for later on in life!

Once you have kid's, work and get older  it doesn't mean that all the fun and youth has been sucked from you! Yes, you may find yourself in a rut from everyday routine and feeling all soccer momish but you still have it!! You just got to find it again! Have fun, be spontaneous and up for new adventures!!

Yea, I get it. You're thinking you dont have the time or money. Been there, done that. Best advice I can give... MAKE THE DAMN TIME! You won't regret it!!

I'm proud to say that I'm 41 year's young! Three kid's and a hubby that on most day's I want to body However that doesn't stop me from feeling beautiful or sexy! Even on the day's I'm in yoga pants and my hair looks like I survived a tornado! We've all been there!

Basically what I'm saying is this... it doesn't matter how old or young you are, what your size is.. beauty isn't about your looks , shape or color. (And fuck no, I'm not even going to say beauty is within.. I hate that saying) But to me beauty is in your confidence.

If you feel bad about yourself you will reflect those feelings to other's. But when you feel good about yourselves you automatically glow! And not the type of glow that the most perfect face contouring makeup gives you. It's a glow from within that radiates onto other's! That is beauty!!

Beauty is walking into a room full of confidence with your head held high and a smile on your face (and by head held high I mean not looking down on other's or having an ego). It's walking into that room and not questioning yourself "what if they don't like me?"

The question is what if I don't like them?

It's having that carefree yet friendly attitude that makes you not care what others think about you!

No matter what we are all women who experience the same feelings but in different eras of our life. Let's love one another, support each other and never shame! (Slut shame, fat shame, descion shame or whatever shame).

Now let me wrap this up! I know, I'm a talker.. deal with!

As I mentioned earlier, I'm 41 a mom etc. But you know what??? This morning as I was drinking my coffee and listening to my music the mood struck and i wanted to dance! That's right... i shook my ass  all over my kitchen and enjoyed ever minute of it! (I throw my hair back, check my nails, baby how you doing) !!

Yea, I still got it!! We all do!! Love y'all!!

Now I'm done! As always I'm eagerly waiting to hear your comments and thoughts!! Don't be afraid to show your voice!!

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